Too early to tell the sex on these SLWs?

I have 3 silver laced wyandottes and they were sexed as pullets, yet I posted here and most thought I had 2, if not 3, cockerels! Needless to say, I think these little ones are females, but time will tell!
I had 1 SLW pullet and..............she was a he. We have already rehomed him. Here's a picture of him at 8 to 9 weeks. You won't know for sure until she/he crows or lays an egg.

I had 1 SLW pullet and..............she was a he. We have already rehomed him. Here's a picture of him at 8 to 9 weeks. You won't know for sure until she/he crows or lays an egg.

A lot of wattles on that one. Mine are just over 4 weeks old. I will watch for wattle growth. Thanks!

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