Too Many Male Ducks!

New homes for drakes usually mean they will be dinner for someone if that bothers you.

You may want to screen who you re-home them to if you want them to live the good life.2cents

I've thought of that. Even if they SAY they're pets, who knows, right?
I wonder if you could make a coop for the boys to be away from the girls, like a bachelor pad. People do it for chickens.

Funny you should mention that! We DID do that with our chickens about three years ago and created a 'rooster pad' for them until there was only two of them and we finally put those two in with our 25 hens and it's worked out well.

Several days ago I remembered that solution and so now we're in the process of putting our girls into the 'inner pen area' and letting the boys stay in the outer pen area (aka the woods with the goats & geese!). It'll do for now. The girls will have access to the 'big pond' and the boys will have access to the big wide woods and can shelter with our three goats and three geese. They'll have a small pond as well. :D Great mind think alike, eh?
We had once had only 4 male mallards and the males humped each other! IT WAS HORRIBLE! D: We got 2 Rouen hens and nothing really changed but 3 males stayed with both of the girls and 1 male was left alone and all of the 3 males would aggressively hump that one male.It was such pain to see that but nobody wanted male ducks.Sadly 3 of the male ducks got ran over.Now its just one male and everything is better.I guess it happened for a reason. >_<

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