Took My house chicken to the beach with us. She Loved it!


Those beach photos are awesome! What a little cutie, leaving chicken tracks on the beach. I think this is so cool! Thanks so much for sharing the story and photos.

I love my Salmon Favs. The breed is very docile and often bullied by others, so I know some of what you've experienced. Good luck with eventual integration, if you decide not to keep her as a house chicken.

I have to share this thread with some friends of mine - your photos are so precious!
Beautiful Pics!! And I love the 3rd pic....You can almost hear her saying, " I am coming Momma! "
Awesome!!! I too love the pic of her the most where she's looking at the sea, ah and the one running to you, and the one with the flower, and, and...... Awesome photos, she is one very much loved chickie!

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