Took Pogo to the Groomer...dun, dun DUN!!! *Photos*


Langshan Lover
11 Years
Jan 4, 2009
Claremore, OK
Pogo, the demonic poodle from Hades went to the groomer today. I ALWAYS groom my dogs, but his hair is like trying to shave through cotton. It is impossible for my clippers to get through.

Then there's the biting from touching his legs, so I usually just go have him sedated (knock-out) so I can do it all in one shot, but the cotton-hair makes it so that it takes HOURS to do him. He's been banned from the pet shops in Claremore because he bites. I mean, if they'd just let me use their clippers...

So, this lady said she'd try him. Wish him luck. I warned her he bites and she would probably need someone to hog-tie him for her. He acts so sweet before you do it but best watch out!!!

Just pray he doesn't bring blood, that's all I'm asking for.

Here is a photo of the demonic poodle from Hades:
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Eek! Pogo needs a new name... I feel your pain (literally). I have the opposite problem. I had a really big brainless moment (or 5) and got a standard poodle a few months ago. I do my own grooming too. But I'd never had a poodle with a true "show coat" before. Cotton coat I can deal with (of course the demon dog adds a new dimension). But this NAPPY, woolly, waxy (good wax, not icky skin oil) stuff is utterly impossible! If it's not freshly washed, dried and combed, you can forget clippers. It takes 1 1/2 hours just to do a "quick" brush/comb on this petite (40lb) cooperative creature. Wanna swap? (She's a grump, too)

A 40lb. one I can do something with! Does she at least like to be around you??? LOL!

Pogo bit the groomer. She put a muzzle on him and he went insane like I told her he would. He went "cat" on them and scratched up his face (which is freshly shaven) in order to get the muzzle off. He looks a billion times better though and is "kind of" cute when you look at him at a weird angle! They opted to not give him shaven feet, which I am PERFECTLY fine with! I left a tip. Poor groomers...

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