Tooth-like lifelong growths on hen's comb suddenly expanding

7 years old
She is healthy weight with a normal activity level. There has been no sign of illness, injury, or change in behavior. She eats and drinks as much as she should (no layer as she doesn't lay eggs now) Stools are normal

not at all painful, oozing or itchy. She only fusses if they are pulled on.
About 4 vets have seen the growths before this throughout her life and were stumped but unconcerned.

I don't know what those are.
She's 7 years old. Those have been on her comb throughout her lifetime, they don't bother her. She's healthy and active. 4 vets have looked at the growths and are unconcerned.

Personally, I would leave them alone if they are not bothering to her.
Yeah, I'm 100% sure it isn't favus or fowlpox or else this would've been a diagnosis I or my vets could come to easily on my own. I don't think she's ill and am not worried, I'm just super curious and also know this discussion will be visible for anyone else with a similar issue who might be more scared. They're a curiosity relevant to health only in that they're abberant. It is a comfort to know that someone else has seen these before! And may be to someone in the future :)

Does anyone know if there is an equivalent in chickens like HPV? Humans and chickens are very different things so this could be entirely off base, but after doing more digging around these look very similar to verruca/plantar warts. Those are usually a foot thing but can occur on any part of the body. I imagine that might be why azygous suggested lip sore meds- not something I have experience with/could get if necessary so if that would be the fix I'm grateful they don't hurt her. If these ever do start to seem uncomfortable perhaps I will start with looking at cryotherapy for removal.

Thanks all!
Yes, actually there are papillomavirus lesions that are sometimes found on chickens. The most common site is the base of the comb, and around the vent.
That might very well be it then! Cool to know, thank you! Next time she has bloodwork I'll talk to her vet about the possibility. I'm interested to know how she got it to prevent it from happening to anyone else. Ones around the vent would be painful for sure.
Hate to say I never found out a concrete answer, but papilloma is still a top suspect. The other contender is feathers where they shouldn't be. My poor girl passed away from old age on Sunday so I will never know for sure.

In the intermim, what I gathered since:
-She was having a terrible molt at the time.
-The longest grew in a tight pillar of rings. Some stayed fairly stubby.
-They left pockmarks when they came out. These seemed permanent but weren't raw at all.
-They did eventually come out all at once at the end of her molt! They got weirdly flaky on the outside, not in a powdery fungal way, but like feather caps of all things. You know that particular texture.
-I had accidentally removed one by jostling it and found it had gone from firmly stuck to ready to fall out. So I removed them. No fuss or pain.
-Examining them off her, they were uncannily like pin feathers? That stiff waxiness that gives way under enough pressure.
-She then went some time without them, until this fall when her next molt hit. Just before then they started coming back in the exact same shape in the same pocks.
-They didn't get wacky this time though. they got to a point that matched the original growths from her youth and ceased to grow entirely.
-No change in behavior at any time.

Unfortunately I won't have more information since she is gone now. If anyone else ever sees such a thing again I would be interested in knowing.

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