Toothless is recovering from a dog attack


Crossing the Road
5 Years
May 24, 2019
Eastern Kentucky
So 2 weeks ago tomorrow a neighbors husky got ahold of toothless. Thankfully I heard the commotion and was able to get outside in time to find the dog in the process of carrying toothless off. A shovel was handy and the dog went home with a headache. When i hit the dog he dropped toothless who i initially thought was dead as he was lifeless on the ground. He was just stunned and thankfully he had no missing feathers or puncture wounds. The bad news, in the struggle his right wing and hip was injured. His wing is better now but he is still a little sore on his right leg. For the first 10 days he got to be a house chicken recovering in the dog crate. 3 days in my brother nicknamed him chicken and dumplings to tease my daughter as his crowing drove everyone crazy. Saturday we moved his crate outside next to momma's to get him used to being back outside. I turn him loose several times a day now and he will walk around a bit and dust bath but he doesn't get more then 2 feet away from me and when he is done he goes right back in the crate. I took advantage of his hospital stay to spoil him a bit and he's come to realize he likes being a lap chicken and that having your back scratched is wonderful thing. I'm hoping that in another week he'll be fully recovered.


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Ah! A scenario I can relate to... Does anyone remember our Pingu? (Pictured in my Avatar)

A Black copper Maranz chicken we hatched here....well she's a full sized chicken now at about 3 months old and the intention was always to introduce her to the flock as soon as she had fully feathered out...aye, right.

Too many mealworm breakfasts...extended kip's in our Chihuahua's warm blankets in their crate and the luxuries of being an 'indoor chicken' with everything else that goes with that...cuddles and pampering and a varied selection of edible titbits and a centrally heated indoor coop.

Sure, she enjoys her garden excursions several times a day but as soon as that gate opens she makes a bee-line for her indoor creature comforts!

It's our own fault but I can't say I'd have it any other way...

Only my opinion, Rebecca....but I reckon you're sunk!

Thank you everyone. Before the attack Toothless was sweet and friendly but never cuddly. Now he actually enjoys being held and petted. My other rooster Tuff had always been my favorite due to his cocky attitude, but.... I can't say that anymore. I melt now when Toothy hops on my lap and talks to me. As to what type of Rooster he is, I honestly have no idea. I was given fertile eggs from a mixed flock of big stock chickens this spring when momma hen decided she wanted to be broody. I feel bad now for being disappointed when they hatched because i do know there were some barred rock and easter eggers in her flock and i was hoping for a black baby chick because at that time i really wanted a barred rock. Sadly the 2 little black chicks died in the process of hatching. Toothless was the big white fluff ball and was immediately my daughter's favorite and i'm like great, a white chicken, how boring. Well that little boring white chicken has turned into color wise one of the prettiest i've ever saw. I don't think i'd ever saw one with his coloring before and now i want more lol. He's also big, he was hatched in april and is already double the size of tuff and quite heavy. I should have taken the opportunity to weigh him when i had him inside.

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