Topic of the Week - Chicken Behaviour and Flock Dynamics Part 2 - Bullying Behaviour

I have no bullies. I keep lots of chickens, currently 93. A large shed, lots of range, and options for where birds can go and hang out makes it very peaceful....

... So far I have not had bullying issues in any of the 200ish birds I've owned. Give your birds enough space and they will be rare.

Remember that hens can only recognise about 100 other hens and to bully another hen, the aggressor hen has to recognise her. This is one reason that you can house 1,000s of hens in one hen house on a commercial poultry farm and not have 100s of so called bully hens to contend with.
Remember that hens can only recognise about 100 other hens and to bully another hen, the aggressor hen has to recognise her. This is one reason that you can house 1,000s of hens in one hen house on a commercial poultry farm and not have 100s of so called bully hens to contend with.
Not 200 at once. I currently have about 40.
Even 40 birds are enough to spread the bullying around and let every bird have a little taste. Providing that you have enough space for the number of birds that you keep.
Maybe. I can say I have not had issues with bullying no matter the size of the then-current flock which has been down to some pretty small numbers at times. Space is the most important factor.
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I have a group of 15 wk old rir and barred rock pullets. I also have two 13 week old barred rock pullets. I've had the 15wk girls in a large coop for the past 8 weeks and had the two little ones in a dog training crate in the corner of the coop for 6 weeks. I figured having them together would make the adjustment easier when I merged the groups. For the past 6 days I turned the dog crate into a hiding place for the little ones... but the 15wk BR peck and chase them if they leave the crate. I put feed and water for both groups but the little ones aren't eating much since I made the change. Any ideas would help.
I have a group of 15 wk old rir and barred rock pullets. I also have two 13 week old barred rock pullets. I've had the 15wk girls in a large coop for the past 8 weeks and had the two little ones in a dog training crate in the corner of the coop for 6 weeks. I figured having them together would make the adjustment easier when I merged the groups. For the past 6 days I turned the dog crate into a hiding place for the little ones... but the 15wk BR peck and chase them if they leave the crate. I put feed and water for both groups but the little ones aren't eating much since I made the change. Any ideas would help.
Start a new thread here and add the details and pics of coop and run.
I had a cuckoo marans hen that was horrible. Space didn't matter, as they free ranged on 10 acres. She's see her Speckled Sussex victim and run at her from 200 yards away. I tried separating her for a while. Didn't work. I tried putting the victim in a dog kennel and the marans would stand on top of it growling at her, or walk around the perimeter of the kennel trying to peck at her. I saw her jump on the sussex back and start ripping feathers out while poor Sophie screamed. I rehomed her to a place that had 40+ hens and 3 roosters. I was clear that I was rehoming her because she was a bully hen. They were fine with that, figuring the roosters would calm her down. The flock was SO much calmer after "Don't Touch Me Annie" was gone.

Funny. I have a pair of the same. Golden Cuckoo Marans. Beautiful eggs, she is functionally blind now and houses with him. But when she could see well she was a bully to all but one hen, her best friend. Not friendly at all to me. The Roo is Spawn of Satan and should never reproduce. Just kicking around ideas that perhaps certain breeds have better temperaments than certain other breeds.
Im not sure what to do. My mama hen left her chicks at 5 weeks and tried to get back in with the other 4 hens. My worries are, and any help would be grateful

1) mama hen keeps chasing the 6 week old chicks any time she can. If she sees them she runs were they are and tries to peck them
Will this stop

2) mama hen is not being accepted fully back in with the other hens and walks round making this awful sound long crawing sounds
Will they ever let her back in the flock

She was a really quite and a good mama hen. It’s hurts to see her like this
Please advise me
I integrate my Chicks and Hens when tiny. Momma protects them and the process goes smoothly. What your seeing is she is at the bottom of the pecking order and they don't want her back. The mother chasing off the Chicks is weaning them. She is done being their Momma..

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