Topic of the Week - Drakes and Drake Behaviour

Ok I want to start by saying that I'm very new to ducks, well poultry of any kind for that matter. And this site has helped me out well before I joined.
That being said I bought 2 little fluff balls about 8 or so months ago. Well they turned into pretty cool birds. Both are drakes. The Runner duck (Luey) a bit scittish but treats in my hand or a hand on his back he calms down well. The Pekin (Einnie) is about the same only a little bit less scittish in general. Einnie can sometimes be just a bit agressive. Sometimes he'll halfway charge at the treat bag when I'm closing it. Then he stops, kinda like he knows that's not a good idea. But he has really charged at my cat and now she's scared of him. That was probably a fear aggression I'm guessing.
Ok I want to start by saying that I'm very new to ducks, well poultry of any kind for that matter. And this site has helped me out well before I joined.
That being said I bought 2 little fluff balls about 8 or so months ago. Well they turned into pretty cool birds. Both are drakes. The Runner duck (Luey) a bit scittish but treats in my hand or a hand on his back he calms down well. The Pekin (Einnie) is about the same only a little bit less scittish in general. Einnie can sometimes be just a bit agressive. Sometimes he'll halfway charge at the treat bag when I'm closing it. Then he stops, kinda like he knows that's not a good idea. But he has really charged at my cat and now she's scared of him. That was probably a fear aggression I'm guessing.
He is not scared of that
Still new to duck management, but as of now I have 5 WH drakes to 3 ducks. They are all 25 wks old, and yes it's a horrible ratio.....but 3 were scheduled for freezer camp almost 4 wks ago but an emergency had cancelled that. They all move together as a whole, where one goes the rest it a drake or a duck. Just this morning, one of the silver WH drakes was mating with either Ms Quakers or Little Girl, on dry land so it looked kinda awkward....but the other silvers just watched and no one fought with anyone else. And when business was done, everyone went back into dipping their heads into the fresh water pail. I have yet to get any eggs, so am wondering if the drake to duck ratio is a factor.

Definitely, my guys are not people-aggressive either. They are more wary than the girls, I usually get my pant legs nipped on by Apple, a duck....usually because she wants an extra treat. But Brave, my only gold WH drake, will stay next to me a little bit longer than they others.

Wish I had more info to considering getting Muscovies next spring so I'm sure it's gonna be a game changer;)
:gig Drakes....:rant.....:th
Kidding!..Sort of...:frow
Well, my little sweethearts are breeding now...
My Drakes are mounting Hens left and right..This all happened in about 72 hours...Fighting Drakes....I went from plan A to plan D and Back to B with changes and then C again...Drakes are not easy...Ducks are Beauiful but not for the faint of heart...Cassanova my old Randy Call Drake is separated from all Birds...I caught Fabio breeding his sister in the fresh bowl of water ...Actually this turned into a total gong show really fast and feathers pulled and total nut house here...:barnie

Drakes 101....:old
Ok I want to start by saying that I'm very new to ducks, well poultry of any kind for that matter. And this site has helped me out well before I joined.
That being said I bought 2 little fluff balls about 8 or so months ago. Well they turned into pretty cool birds. Both are drakes. The Runner duck (Luey) a bit scittish but treats in my hand or a hand on his back he calms down well. The Pekin (Einnie) is about the same only a little bit less scittish in general. Einnie can sometimes be just a bit agressive. Sometimes he'll halfway charge at the treat bag when I'm closing it. Then he stops, kinda like he knows that's not a good idea. But he has really charged at my cat and now she's scared of him. That was probably a fear aggression I'm guessing.
Welcome to BYC!
Calmest time of the year for my drakes, they're all on their best behavior right now...

Actually, the last few days have been extremely amusing... a young grey drake is attempting to court the alpha, Lady Grey... he started out by standing several feet away from her for about 5 mins... distance has shortened a bit each day while the length of time has increased just a tiny bit... today he got as close as a foot and stayed there for a whole 15 mins! :gig
Calmest time of the year for my drakes, they're all on their best behavior right now...

Actually, the last few days have been extremely amusing... a young grey drake is attempting to court the alpha, Lady Grey... he started out by standing several feet away from her for about 5 mins... distance has shortened a bit each day while the length of time has increased just a tiny bit... today he got as close as a foot and stayed there for a whole 15 mins! :gig
Interesting....Mine are full blown Horn Dogs right now and we're best Pals a few days ago....Drakes and breeding seasons ..
Calmest time of the year for my drakes, they're all on their best behavior right now...

Actually, the last few days have been extremely amusing... a young grey drake is attempting to court the alpha, Lady Grey... he started out by standing several feet away from her for about 5 mins... distance has shortened a bit each day while the length of time has increased just a tiny bit... today he got as close as a foot and stayed there for a whole 15 mins! :gig

That is so funny! I bet Lady Grey is not impressed :p

Super calm here too. No mating since the Calls aren't in their breeding season and the Welshies don't have a light in the coop to stimulate them, and everyone is getting along very well. Waiting for spring to see if that changes - I doubt it, usually my drakes get along fine even in the midst of breeding season. We'll see if the WH drake that lives in with the Calls will tolerate the little guys around his big girlfriends. Although they got on fine this year, so I suspect all will be well.

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