Topic of the Week - Duck Housing

I know ducks can drink from vertical nipple waterers. But if no other water source is available to them it can cause problems. Ducks need to be able to dunk their heads in water to wash their eyes and nostrils and likely will not eat enough without enough water to wash food down. I acquired a duck recently who was a victim of this. View attachment 1238426 check out the build up of duck snot :sick
Poor boy. :( While I agree they need open water to clean their eyes and nostrils, I don't believe their is an effect on their ability to eat or the amount they eat.

I also provide buckets and other open containers for them to dunk their heads. I have more open containers than ducks during warm weather. :lol: The nice thing about the nipples on a 5 gal bucket is that it doesn't need to be filled every day and the ducks and chickens always have access to clean water. It's also nice in the coop if you want to provide water but don't want everything soaked. The downside is that the nipples freeze so it doesn't work well in winter. For winter I use a heated bucket and an extra large heated dog bowl.
Poor boy. :( While I agree they need open water to clean their eyes and nostrils, I don't believe their is an effect on their ability to eat or the amount they eat.

I also provide buckets and other open containers for them to dunk their heads. I have more open containers than ducks during warm weather. :lol: The nice thing about the nipples on a 5 gal bucket is that it doesn't need to be filled every day and the ducks and chickens always have access to clean water. It's also nice in the coop if you want to provide water but don't want everything soaked. The downside is that the nipples freeze so it doesn't work well in winter. For winter I use a heated bucket and an extra large heated dog bowl.
I figured you had other water sources. I was just pointing it out for anyone elses sake who may think that it would be a good idea as their only water source.
It may not affect every duck as far as eating, But it definitely affected my rescue duck. Watching my ducks and the way they eat and then get a big gulp of water washing it down I couldn't imagine not having open water to dip in.
I figured you had other water sources. I was just pointing it out for anyone elses sake who may think that it would be a good idea as their only water source.
It may not affect every duck as far as eating, But it definitely affected my rescue duck. Watching my ducks and the way they eat and then get a big gulp of water washing it down I couldn't imagine not having open water to dip in.
Ah yes, good idea.

I know commercial farms use the nipples because they are more sanitary. I read some studies/articles about it. But I agree that ducks should have open water to dunk in. They are so much happier that way.
Good point... I honestly don't have any. Suppose I could take some with my crappy cell phone when it's light out. Tomorrow perhaps.
@hereorthere I really like the idea of a wide combined duck-door+ramp! Have any picks of your set-up to share?

I am trying to imagine if this could be tweaked slightly so that the full sized people door could still function, but in the lower half there would be an inset panel that could hinge outwards to become the ramp...
Yep know exactly what you’re thinking....been playing with an idea of a split door. The bottom half would have a piano-type hinge on two pieces of plywood that mountain fold (like in origami) while the top half would flip out side wards like a regular door. Only problem would be hinges of ramp would prolly be the weakest point. And no, I don’t have any pics

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