Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness


Medical tape
Non slip matting
Wound spray with fly repellant
Chewable vitamin C
Enclosed carrier/carriers of different sizes.
A couple of cardboard boxes (because you just never know when you might need one)

The prohibition against over-the-counter antibiotics applies to water soluble meds that commercial meat operations were putting into water sources for animals. You can still buy injectables at places that sell them.

I get my amoxicillin and penicillin at KV Pet Supply on line without a prescription. They are fish antibiotics and work just fine for chickens. The dosage is just right at 250mg capsules and tabs.
* Old towels of various types & sizes, clean and kept handy in the same place.

* Scale to weigh them.
(Weigh them weekly. Sporadic records aren't always helpful. If a month goes by without weighing them, it can be more difficult to see when they started having problems if it's an illness.)

* Spreadsheet on the computer to keep track of their weight over time & make all sorts of interesting charts. Also useful for keeping track of illness & when medication was given.

Edited to add to my list.
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I have heard a lot of folks say they just purchased antibiotics. How to you obtain them? I thought you couldn't do that without a vet prescription?
Also, in Canada, they haven't been prohibited. Yet. I'm sure it's coming. I have some on hand "JUST" in I'm a believer in survival-of-the-fittest genetics. The rare occasion has reared its head like my egg/chick who got pecked and had its yolk sac and abdomen perforated and everything was replaced without being able to clean the tissues or use sterile instruments. Regardless of when they're banned here, we carry penicillin and the like on hand anyway for a cow with retained placenta or the like. I just prefer not to give a needle if I don't have to. I've given more injections than you can imagine.

@Wickedchicken6 what do you use the Chap Stick for?
Strangely enough I'm planning to use it for my roosters' combs should the need arise.
I've used the other variety of stuff that's usually listed and am left unsatisfied with the results. Chapstick stays on the lips and doesn't leak off. Plus it's in an easy to apply form!

I'm breeding and selecting for winter tough rooster/combs, but I'm a huge sucker for good roosters and I'm sure I'll still have the odd one with a questionable comb.
Yes...I am weak.
Variety of tweezers (can't replace bowels without 'em)
Cooking spray - not tested on leg mites "yet" but will be in the future

For those who are using castor you have a good source for it or do you buy it at a drugstore?

Here it's prohibitively expensive to use in large amounts. I bought some but would only use it with extreme cases of leg mites at this point.
Also, in Canada, they haven't been prohibited. Yet. I'm sure it's coming. I have some on hand "JUST" in I'm a believer in survival-of-the-fittest genetics. The rare occasion has reared its head like my egg/chick who got pecked and had its yolk sac and abdomen perforated and everything was replaced without being able to clean the tissues or use sterile instruments. Regardless of when they're banned here, we carry penicillin and the like on hand anyway for a cow with retained placenta or the like. I just prefer not to give a needle if I don't have to. I've given more injections than you can imagine.

Strangely enough I'm planning to use it for my roosters' combs should the need arise.
I've used the other variety of stuff that's usually listed and am left unsatisfied with the results. Chapstick stays on the lips and doesn't leak off. Plus it's in an easy to apply form!

I'm breeding and selecting for winter tough rooster/combs, but I'm a huge sucker for good roosters and I'm sure I'll still have the odd one with a questionable comb.
Yes...I am weak.

I'm really glad you didn't tell me the Chap Stick was for your bird's chapped lips

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