Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

How does it feel?

Honestly it feels pretty normal from what I can tell. She is a big girl compared to my other 12 so it's hard to say if she is perfectly normal or if she is a little swollen. It's not hot to the touch either. there are some feathers broken or nipped in half and some skin that looked torn/infected. That's why I was thinking maybe someone was picking her feathers. She is typically more downy in that area than my other girls.
I get 250mg tablet of the fish penicillin. I take the patient, place her on a table, and pull down on her wattles. This forces her beak open, and I pop in the pill. Easy and fast. Another way of doing it is to stick the pill in a dab of peanut butter, but a very sick chicken isn't going to want to eat anything, so this one may not always work.
Is yours a liquid or powder? Do you diolve it?
This is where it gets tricky... Injectable penicillin is easy, just weigh bird, do a little math and inject in breast muscle. Pills are also pretty easy... weigh bird do math, then cut pills if necessary. Powders are hard, because without a gram scale it's hard to know how much they should get.
I just pop the 250mg pill into the beak. No weighing, no measuring, no cutting. If I had bantams or were I to treat a baby chick, I would be more precise. But a three to five pound adult chicken has responded well to my "casual" administrations.

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