Torn toenail to quick


Apr 15, 2020
Frazier Park California
Hi friends. I was putting my girls to bed and noticed one of my girls limping and I spotted a tiny bit of blood on her foot. It appears that she has ripped her toenail off down to the quick. I brought her inside and cleaned the toe and sprayed a lot of Vetericyn on the toe. I tried every way to wrap that single toe but she wouldn’t have it! It’s pretty hard to wrap one toe especially trying to avoid putting anything sticky on that explosed quick. She was able to get to her roost and appears to be comfy sleeping. Anything else I can be doing to help her? Will she be ok? Will it grow back? She is in pain.. limping and holding foot up when standing. Here are some pics. It’s didn’t bleed much. I’ll keep an eye out for infection and continue to clean daily. Is it okay to not wrap?


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Try quickstop it is a type of powder that should stop the quicks from bleeding, be patient and keep applying it until bleeding stops. The bleeding won't stop the first time you apply it. Apply at the same time until it stops bleeding.
I am curious how your hen is now? Has her nail grown back?
I have one who has done exactly the same thing on her middle toe. She is hobbling so it must be painful. So far we have tried antiseptic ointment and vet wrap as her foot feels warm to touch compared to the other so I was worried about infection. We have separated her because she was getting picked on.
I am curious how your hen is now? Has her nail grown back?
I have one who has done exactly the same thing on her middle toe. She is hobbling so it must be painful. So far we have tried antiseptic ointment and vet wrap as her foot feels warm to touch compared to the other so I was worried about infection. We have separated her because she was getting picked on.
Hi! Sorry to hear about your girl. :( Mine is totally fine now. She was in pain as well.. took a few days for her to walk somewhat normal. I sprayed Vetericyn a few times a day. I didn’t notice warmth but I assume that could happen! Is there any swelling? Perhaps vet could offer some antibiotics to help just in case. I too was so worried but it heal just fine 💕
Hi! Sorry to hear about your girl. :( Mine is totally fine now. She was in pain as well.. took a few days for her to walk somewhat normal. I sprayed Vetericyn a few times a day. I didn’t notice warmth but I assume that could happen! Is there any swelling? Perhaps vet could offer some antibiotics to help just in case. I too was so worried but it heal just fine 💕
That’s good news. Glad she recovered… guess it just means our Queenie will get some extra TLC for a while 😁

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