Totally, Embarrassingly Dumb Question


10 Years
Mar 9, 2009
I don't understand a very basic part of hatching. If the air sac is at the large end of the egg, why do they pip out the middle of the egg? I know that if/ when I get an answer I will slap my forehead and kick my own butt for not getting it, but it seriously eludes me.


Their head is twisted under a wing, and when they break the air sac, it's the back of their neck and head thrusting into the space. That still leaves their beak in about the middle of the egg for when they push up and out from under their wing.
Well, that makes a lot of sense! Thank you very much! So, when people decide after a day or two of peeping to assist, why do they peel the shell back in the middle of the egg rather than at the air sac end? Is it because the air sac must have already been penetrated by the chick in order to hear the peeping?
A day or two after pipping, meaning after the chick has made a hole in the shell, people peel shell off from where the chick had made the first hole.

You don't want to "help" a chick that has not already made it's own hole and has been "stuck" for less than 24 hrs because it's probably just resting as it absorbs it's yolk.
Gotcha, thanks! Really, I can't tell you how much you simplified and explained what has been confusing/ worrying me for ages.

Hopefully I'll never experience the "whether to help" angst.

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