Tough but moist


10 Years
May 2, 2009

Processed my first cornishx. (it was about 35 days old) Processing went well. After processing, I marinated it for about 2 hours, then cooked it slowly at about 250 to 170 degrees. Dressed weight was 3 pounds 2 ounces.

It is nice and moist, has a good flavor, but it is quite tough and stringy. Very disappointing.

Did I cook it too soon after processing?


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You made a common newbie mistake, you didn't age your you were eating rigor mortis meat. I learned this too the hard way.

I put mine in large zip lock bags and place in the bottom of the fridge for at least 48 hours, then soak them in a brine for at least 12 hours or overnight. Then fix as desired.

Some people just wait 24, and some will wait as long as 72....just up to personal prefrence.

I agree with RuffTuff. You need to age the meat at least 24-48 hours in the fridge before cooking it. I age all the butchered chickens about 48 hours in the fridge, then freeze or cook. If you aren't going to freeze it, then age for 24 hours, then brine for 24 hours. I use 1/2 cup of salt per gallon of water for a brine.
You made a common newbie mistake, you didn't age your you were eating rigor mortis meat. I learned this too the hard way.

I put mine in large zip lock bags and place in the bottom of the fridge for at least 48 hours, then soak them in a brine for at least 12 hours or overnight. Then fix as desired.

Some people just wait 24, and some will wait as long as 72....just up to personal prefrence.


Your fridge must be huge LOL... We have to pull everything out of our fridge and put it in the egg fridge for when we age ours haha.
You made a common newbie mistake, you didn't age your you were eating rigor mortis meat. I learned this too the hard way.

I put mine in large zip lock bags and place in the bottom of the fridge for at least 48 hours, then soak them in a brine for at least 12 hours or overnight. Then fix as desired.

Some people just wait 24, and some will wait as long as 72....just up to personal prefrence.


Your fridge must be huge LOL... We have to pull everything out of our fridge and put it in the egg fridge for when we age ours haha.

Most of the time we don't do that many at a time, when we do...If we do have to empty out fridge or just load ice chests with birds and ice.

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wow jamie
That was fast. You watched us process chickens on Mon morn and you are doing one in the evening. that is pretty cool. How long before you build a chicken plucker like we have? That thing is pretty cool Eh? That is the first time I ever saw 2 chickens plucked in 30 seconds. Let me know if you need the plate shaft and pulley made. Have made a couple already for other guys.

How is the mineral pak working out?

later Dave

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