Tough decision...Updated!!


So happy shes doing better !!

Hummm....I really do want a few silkies...a friend of mine has a bunch. It might be a good friend for my girl...Besides I love the way they look...looks like chickens wearing chaps.
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make her a little wire pen inside the other chickens pen and leave her there where they can all get used to seeing each other and she can get used to seeing them and not getting pecked by them and she won't act scared, so they won't bully her, and let her out a bit at a time after a few days, until she looks like she is doing good.
Yeah, I agree with the poster above. It would horrible for her to end up in the same predicament. And don't leave her alone with them until you are absolutely sure they aren't starting to pick on her again. What kind of chicken is she?

I also like the suggestion of making another mini-coop and run for her and a docile friend. Silkies are the coolest!! What colors does your friend have?
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What breed is milton? I met someone that used their half-blind chicken to hang out with her teenage chickens. She kept them in line and the little ones were young enough to not give her any guff.

So if you are in the position to add more to flock on a routine basis, maybe she could be a little foster mama for the babies?

Very glad to read this thread (first time today) and hear its getting better for her!!!


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