Tractor coop run -- predator proofing


9 Years
Oct 19, 2010
I'm building an A frame coop/run, and am planning on putting hardware cloth on the sides, and some larger opening, but stronger metal wire fencing on the bottom - to prevent any diggers from entering. Since I'm putting wheels on one end, that ends' base of the run maybe an inch or so off the dirt. (Actually, I may be able to engineer it so the wheels only drop down when needed - to get better ground contact).
Anyway, my only concern is that the wire fence floor will get in the way of the girls 'scratching'.

Other options I'm considering, but not liking as much:
Locking the girls in the roost every night
putting a 'skirt' of hardware cloth around the tractor -- making it more difficult to move around.

I still think my first option is the best, but would love some input.


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