Tractor Supply Employee Knowledge About Chicks

Bird nerds.
Its the same at the pet shops and feed stores down here. When I first started out last year I didn't know jack about chickens and would of thought the people at the feed store would be able to tell me what breed of chickens I was buying and if were girls or a boys, the chickens were around 8 weeks old.... I Think, because they didn't even know how old they were. So I came home with 2 chicks, hoping they were pullets (I knew enough to look at thier combs) and Hubby asked " So what did they have and what did you get?" and all I could tell him is that they were bantams
I didn't care at the time I was just excited about getting chickens, luckily I picked 2 pullets and thanks to everyone here at byc I know what breed/mix they are now. But you would think that people who deal with animals on a daily basis for thier job would pay a bit more attention and maybe learn about what they are selling.
Last Spring I bought some "Black Sex-Link" pullets from a local Feed Store.

I asked what the chicks were (wondering about Black Australorps or perhaps Jersey Black Giants).

The "boy" at the feed store said they were "pullets".

I told him how many I wanted and told him that I didn't want any with "spots" on their heads.
(I wasn't needing any Roosters.)

He looked at me as though I was "very particular". And he picked chicks that didn't have any spots.

But the chicks ALL turned out to be pullets.........Not a cockerel in the bunch. But ALL "sex-links" (half-breeds)

The employees really don't have much opportunity to learn about the chicks because they NEVER see them grow up.

You would think that folks who work in a farm store, would know more than a farm is a place outside of town with barns and silos?

Came home with a poult!
OMG! This is one of the funniest threads I've read in awhile!

Imagine what would happen if one of the chicks was old enough to start to frizzle! They'd be running around the store trying find out who was attacking the chicks with a curling iron!

Keep it up, thanks for the humor......
I think it's appaling to work somewhere and not know what your selling !! It should be mandatory at TCC that before Chick days there is a short mandatory class on the breeds they are ordering in and pictures and descriptions on each tank the chicks go in. Poor management if you ask me !! I went to get RIR's last year. In the tank the reds were in were also chicks of a two tone color. I asked what kind those were. Well their all RIR'S he said. Impossible I said, they look totaly different. I bought some anyways. They turned out to be Red Stars and RIR'S !!! Poor customer service. Whatever happened to customer service being very important to a business?? I wish it would be brought back.
Ya'know the story is gettin old.

I am just as likely to get some off the wall answer to a question asked at my local feed and seed. Why is it we constantly and continuosly see these threads on TSC? I am not a fan of TSC, mostly because allot of their prices are a little high. But jeez, have any of you really gotten any help at Wally World, Sears, Kmart, of even JC Penny in the last 10-20 years. Remember going to Sears or JC Penny and having the little ladies that knew how to fit shoes. Or you gals, do any of you remember going to the female dept and getting the lady to fit a bra. IT DON'T HAPPEN NO MORE. They ain't got no such thing as a "floor walker" as in the old days. The products are out on the shelf or hanging on the rack, gett'em if you want'em.

At TSC you have a manager that may or may not know his products, then you have a cashier, and maybe a few people in the store. Two week ago those guys in the store were either in HS or unemployed. TSC has what maybe 50,000 different products concerning, horses, cows, chickens, pigs, goats, birds, dogs, cats, fencing, automobiles, water pumps, gardening, clothing, shoes and tools. Drop your butt in a TSC and you would know everything------right!

By the way the manager at my local TSC, made the same mistake, he was confused about what a "pullet" was, I wasn't in the market for chicks (well I really was, but the "sign" I got from Ms 29 was not a go), I was just looking. But I took the time to let him know (politely) what the difference between straight run and pullets were. The manager is the same guy who has helped me out on some mechanical puzzles, so he is capable, he just wasn't familiar with chicks.

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