Tractor Supply Employee Knowledge About Chicks

Well last year I went in to get me a part for my tractor. It was chick time. I walked in and went to the back. Then all of a sudden I heard the chicks before I got back their. I walked over to see what they had. assorted bantams, and Mallards, Khaki Campells and looked like Runners. Anyways their was about 150 chicks in one tote and then 50-60 Ducks in thee other. Well I got to looking, then an employee came over and I said " I need me 2 pullet buff cochins, 1 rooster cochin and give me 2 mallards." TSC"Huh?" Well so I got down and started to sex them. Found what i needed then this lady with kids came in. Well they wanted some girls. Didn't matter what kind. O.k. Be more than happy to. Well got theirs and while I was trying to find another girl about 10 people walked over their and said "I need this. I need that. What is this for. Are you hurting them? I would like 6 girls please" Well uh I went in their to get me a part for my tractor but about 20 minutes later was sexing proabably 50 chickens. Well a $28 part I got for $20 haha. Fine with me. The TSC girl said that she had raised chickens all her life and never knew how to do that. Well everybody was satisfied and then a older couple walked to the chicks and I flew off! Fast! haha. At least I got my 3 cochins and then mallards. It was fun but what meant to take me 6 minutes or so, took me 45 minutes. Hahaha oh well.
Maybe they thought he said "poults" & thought the 3 pullets were turkeys

I think that when you go into a farm store, at least 1 or 2 of the employees should know something about what they are selling. It's poor business to not have any body in the store who can help someone who may not have as much knowledge, and is looking to them (the employee of the store) for knowledgeable help. Obviously they can't hire only people who have a background in farming and animal husbandry, but c'mon! Sorry, I get frustrated with stuff like this... I'm done
ok here is my local farmers union story....
back this past february i went in to get feed for my hens, saw the chick purchase order forms and thought to my self think i'll get some i asked the girl behind the counter "Do you offer blue cochins"
..... She looked at me started laughing like crazy another clerk came over and asked what i was looking for and i said "looking to see if you offer blue cochins"...... honestly the guy steped back sat on his stool and looked me right in the eyes and said " buddy what are you smoking" we have never seen a blue bird before do they realy have blue birds!!!! I just could not believe my ears:he
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The 'chicken lady' at our TSC.... well.... uhmmm..... I've had to educate her on so many things it's ridiculous. When I bought the first batch this year I told her I was looking for heavy layers, primarily sex links, as I was sifting through the assortment of chicks. She looked at me and honestly said they are all layers "Aren't they?" I had to explain what I meant. She still didn't quite get it. Then on dog food day I was just looking over the chicks and a family came up to pick some out of the straight run bin having been told by someone at another TSC that those were all girls.... I educated and told them about the different types, colors etc.... By the time the family left with their chicks I had 3 TSC employees asking lots of good questions, found out the 'chicken lady' was no longer working there and they were even more confused than she was.

I put in my application. I need a job.
I guess I am blessed to live within 10mins of Meyer Hatchery. They have a very stocked store with feed, grit, feeders, waterers, chicken diapers, even egg cartons etc. , theyre open on weekends, and everyone there that I have dealt with is knowledgeable and helpful. No one is afraid to get another more knowledgeable employee to help out if they are not sure the answer to the question....and I have had a lot!

I my only complaint is they only carry "mash" feed. I prefer the pellets. My flock throws the mash everywhere and I feel they only actually get to eat 25lbs of the 50lb bag b/c the rest of it is scattered about and melts away into the ground.....
They do however have all kinds of 'treats" like dried mealies, sunflower cakes, peas-and-corn cakes, good stuff. And I know I can get some emergency supplies there in a quick minute if I needed some -BluKote, ointment, vitamins etc. They got it and they know what its for!

**singing praises of Meyer**
LOL I've been to the Rural King and asked what "breed" were all these baby chicks and it never fails- " OH they're straight run" LOL But everybody there is nice so I don't get mad- Sometimes I just ask so I can get a chuckle!! LOL
Thank you! I don't expect the kid who bags my groceries to be a nutritiionist or the guy who changes my oil to be an engineer so why would I expect a minimum wage worker in a feed store to be a poultry expert? It astounds me that people think knowing what a pullet somehow makes them superior.

You expect your mechanic to be able to tell you the basics of how your car works, but you don't expect the car dealer to be able to tell you the same things, much less even the names of the major engine components! I mean, I could make the same complaint that the car sales man didn't know where the oil filter was on a truck when I asked how easy it is to access. But is that fair? Feed stores do a whole lot more than just sell chicks and feed. Fencing, large animal, small animal, building supplies etc.
Everyone there has experience....but not all employees have, or can have, experience in everything. You might be talking to the generator expert and expect to get info on chicks. Or when going in for parts for your fence, you may be talking to the expert in swine and sheep...If you want info on a specific area, ask the employee their background or knowledge in it. There may be another employee on duty better able to help you, or you may be able to find when that employee will next be in and then return at that time. No one can be an expert at everything (although too many people think they are!
Thank you! I don't expect the kid who bags my groceries to be a nutritiionist or the guy who changes my oil to be an engineer so why would I expect a minimum wage worker in a feed store to be a poultry expert? It astounds me that people think knowing what a pullet somehow makes them superior.

I was not bashing the girl at TSC. She is very friendly and helpful. Or TSC for that matter. I just found it amusing. That's all. TSC is supposed to be a company "specializing" in farm and garden sales. I would expect the employees to know what they are selling and what they are talking about. Wal-Mart specializes in selling the most cheap Chinese made crap to make the most money. In my opinion there is no comparison. Thanks!

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