Tractor to free range


Jan 24, 2019
Washington state
My parents had 2 chickens in a tractor and they didn't get along so I adopted the cinnamon queen who was the aggressor. She is currently living in my tractor but my goal is to introduce her to my free ranging mixed flock. She has been here for about a week getting used to the sounds and a change in feed. But I'm afraid that letting her loose with my flock maybe too much, so how to best transition her? I was thinking of putting a few of my hardier birds in with her for now then putting her in with the flock, penned for a few days then letting her run free. Any ideas or input?
If she is very aggressive, the more birds you put her with the better. She probably can't fight all of them. If she and the other birds are full grown, I would put her in at dark, be up early in the morning to see how it is going. With adult birds, I really would not expect a huge ruckus if she is the kind of bird that stands up for herself.

However, a new flock, new surroundings, she might not be real sure of herself. They might do the thumping. If so, then your idea is a good one.

Mrs K
Thanks for the advice, I think alot of the bullying was boredom and bad breed pairing, my reds got a little aggressive in the teen years and grew out of it so I'm hoping with a full yard and flock she will be happier 🐣
Being in a tractor she never learned to come when called or any of that homing stuff. If I give her time to make friends with some of my hens is she likely to follow their lead? I would hate to loose her.
Most birds want to be with the flock, not alone. If she is staying with the other birds in the day time, she would follow them in at night. If they pick on her and she is not staying with your flock, then that would be a problem. You could watch them a while and see what happens. You might have to be extra watchful at first. Adding a new bird is always iffy.

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