Tractor vs. Permanent coop?


8 Years
Jun 20, 2011
Hello all!

Any thoughts? I like the idea of a tractor so I can move it around the yard and not kill the grass and starting a mud pit (I live in SW FLA...3pm showers everyday during the summer!) but at the same time, a tractor doesnt give you much room to expand your flock if you are wanting to. I am looking to start with 3 hens, but from what I've read on this site....3 turns to 10 quick
so I am kind of torn between the 2 options....

I live only 30mins from the guy so I could pick one up pretty easy....but Im sure I could build a permanent coop for much less than $375...

thanks in advance to any advice!
From the posts I have read over the years I would say that a lot of people quickly outgrow their tractors or they don't find them very convenient. I'm a big fan of the walk-in coop. Makes life much easier.
Based on your location, I would go with a tractor. You can build a 4x8 for about $70 and it will hold 3 hens. If you expand just build another one, it's an easy way to keep the flock separated. Plus it will make your lawn look awesome.
Well I just met another BYC'er that lives in the same town as I and she is selling an old coop she has (walk in style). price is good and it gets me that much closer to getting my chickens!

I do agree with you guys about the walk-in space and being able to expand, but I really like the idea of moving it around. BUT! the one I am getting will work!

thanks for the replys

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