Tractoring meat birds


7 Years
Nov 20, 2012
Elizabeth Colorado
We have our very first batch of meaties coming in the end of May. We are getting 50 freedom rangers! To say I am nervous would be an understatement, but for the sake of feeding my family wholesome organic humanely raised meats we are giving it a go! My plan is to tractor them through our pasture once they are out of the brooder. I plan on building a tractor from a trampoline frame...anyone else done this? How do you keep them safe at night? is there a way to incorporate a structure for shelter from wind/rain and during the night...thoughts? Ideas? any input appreciated!
I do not have near the set up that you do, but when I built mine, I looked online for images for hours. I only have 7 birds... this is my first try, so I wanted to start with a small amount, anyway, when I was looking I found a design that was a coup hooked up to a yard. I have a small coup and a 8x5 A frame yard space. We move the whole structure around the yard once a week. I was thinking that you might want to wire the top of the structure, and maybe you could build a house but put it on small tires so when you move the yard you can move the house too..... mine are fresh out of the brooder and we have moved them around a few times... they sure get excited with the new grass, and we have enough space to where they do not get in the same spot for about 2 months :) Best of luck to you
We have our very first batch of meaties coming in the end of May. We are getting 50 freedom rangers! To say I am nervous would be an understatement, but for the sake of feeding my family wholesome organic humanely raised meats we are giving it a go! My plan is to tractor them through our pasture once they are out of the brooder. I plan on building a tractor from a trampoline frame...anyone else done this? How do you keep them safe at night? is there a way to incorporate a structure for shelter from wind/rain and during the night...thoughts? Ideas? any input appreciated!

Good luck with that.
I've heard that they are great. Watch out for predators. Hardware cloth on the outside? I was JUST reading on another thread that a girl put 50 in a tractor with chicken wire. Now she has 9.
. Here's look at my chicken wagon I would call it. It's i believe 4x12 me and my dad used these pallets from work that we put chicken wire all around. We have 3, 12 ft. Pallets 2 on each side and one on top and then we have 2, 4ft. Boards and we cut one out to make a little door to get in and out. It works really well, I have not lost any to predators and I do put a little house for them to sleep in at night. I move it around ever day or so depending on how poopy it gets. So far I've used it for at least 10 pullets. Both meat and egg laying and I'd have to say I was pretty happy with the way it turned out. It's a bit heavy but I use a quad to pull it around. I'm raising more chicks on it this year and hopefully will build more just like it in the future. Ivan
Good  luck with that.     :thumbsup    I've heard that they are great.  Watch out for predators.  Hardware cloth on the outside?  I was JUST reading on another thread that a girl put 50 in a tractor with chicken wire.  Now she has 9. 

Oh, no doubt. Only use welded wire with small holes. Chicken wire is useless.
Or hardware cloth, like the previous poster said. I forgot about that but we haven't used it.
I think it's unfair they call that netting chicken wire, since it does little to protect chickens. :-/ it's only good for maybe temporary daytime pens.

I have since upgraded the tarp to several sections of corrugated vinyl, light weight and cheap. Food is dry and their water is along the opposite side. It is 2x2 heavy wire covered in 1/2" hardware cloth. Wheels front and rear. 7'x14' and I house a max of 30 birds. good luck and enjoy.

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