Trader Joe's Eggs?

can't get enough chicken :

haha no problem! I wish they sold duck eggs at Trader Joe's!

Me too! But, I don't think I'll be able to resist hatching a couple.​

Does anyone have an idea where i can buy some trader joe eggs? thank you!

hmmmm, try TJ's

ok Land o Lakes brown eggs in a clear carton are FERTILE!​
TJ's has good on line info. They can get you the information you want... maybe even ship??? My DIL got me a cook book on line that only uses TJ items. (I don't know if it was available to the public). They have a really involved process in deciding where the stores go. It has to have great access for customers as well as warehouses . Usually in a small strip mall and the only store of it's kind within so many miles. Our town is a very granola university town and it took years of people going south to Everett and complaining to district offices to get one here. But the store has one of the highest profit margins in the west. I hope you find one close. It's a great store.

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