Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member


All eggs have the little disk thingie. What you're looking for specifically for fertile eggs is the disk thingie will look like an O or a bullseye. It's a very distinct ring, not just a solid circle.
If you do a search, I know they have tutorials and photos somewhere on this BYC that have good examples of what you're looking for.
They will hatch in 21 days. My eggs went through heck besides what the store put them through. Many quit but some made it. I think there are a lot of variables, more so with these eggs, in hatch rates.
Good luck
I love my little TJ hens and roos.
I'm hoping something happens in the next couple of days. Some veins and stuff. Otherwise they will become dog food. The laws just changed here effective the 1st of next month. I went from being able to own 6 chickens to 10 chickens. :) I currently have 5 and have room for more then a dozen. My neighbors love watching them free range in my yard. Especially when my pullets chase the dogs away from a raw beef bone LOL. My dogs know chickens rule around here.
ahhhh what did i do
those are the boys in question huh?
blondie looks like mine from the sliver i can see

the TJ's look no worse for the wear!!

fingers crossed i have my own fluff balls this weekend
Thanks for the pictures, "what did I do"! Love the one on the cartons.. Sorry to ask such a stupid question, but is that a roo or a hen? I mean, once mature, the hens get large combs too so...?. My amiture guess is hen due to small wattle?. Mine are 2 weeks old on Tuesday and I really miss them as I'm away. Hubby is keeping me updated on their cuteness, er, I mean progress, but I miss them so!. I can't wait to get home again :(. They're our first chicks/chickens! Gosh. I wish they could all be hens! :fl
Thanks for the pictures, "what did I do"! Love the one on the cartons.. Sorry to ask such a stupid question, but is that a roo or a hen? I mean, once mature, the hens get large combs too so...?. My amiture guess is hen due to small wattle?. Mine are 2 weeks old on Tuesday and I really miss them as I'm away. Hubby is keeping me updated on their cuteness, er, I mean progress, but I miss them so!. I can't wait to get home again :(. They're our first chicks/chickens! Gosh. I wish they could all be hens! :fl

"Little Big Comb" is only 2 months old and has the biggest comb of all of them . "He" has to be a rooster and a few minutes he will be the head rooster. He is starting to take very good care of the girls. I hope he stays nice so we can keep him.
I was really bummed today. They just opened a Trader Joe's about an hour from us. We made the trek down there, only to find out that they don't carry fertile eggs :(

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