Trailer Coop Build (Pic heavy)



5 Years
May 3, 2015
Denver, CO
My trailer coop project has begun in earnest. I will try to update this first post as I build the coop so all pics and descriptions are here. I have taken a huge number of ideas, plans, etc. from this forum and am happy to document everything, start, progress, end, along with as much cost information as possible.

If anyone has questions, or suggestions as I go, please post them!!

It started with a dream and a vision, I'm building an orchestra to conduct. This is the percussion section, carrying the rhythm and heartbeat of the farm :)

The only tools needed for many hours:

~20 pallets found for free. Not your everyday pallets, these were my best free score of 2019:

It takes me about 1 hour to break apart 1 pallet. I've spent >8 hours breaking apart pallets. It's a lot of work and takes occasional precision to ensure the wood is reusable. I've learned that un-weathered wood works best, it needs to be a bit warm (frozen wood is brittle), and most of all requires patience. I can generally reuse the entire pallet (saving the nails to possibly melt later).

Each of these pallets provides:
1, 4x8, 3/4" thick sheet plywood
4, 2x4, 8ft long
4, 2x4, 4ft long

Most people see a piece of junk not worth a penny. I'm a dreamer with a vision, and I see potential. It took me many months of patience, looking for the right trailer, and it finally popped up. A former camper trailer for $100:

Careful demolition is never fast, easy, or clean. I think they left the commode in!

Almost stripped:

Took me most of the day but in the end I had a solid foundation to begin with:

I spent another day re-framing the trailer (no pic because it looks like the "Almost Stripped" pic above). Then it took me another day to get the floor completed. I'll lay down linoleum or vinyl floor later:

Total floor dimensions are 13'x8', there will be a 10" lip on each side and the rear which is where food and water will go (on the outside)

To be up, building the walls.
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Why did you want a coop on wheels? Looking good so far!

There are more reasons than I can think. Based on experience, research, and thinking it through for over a year, things like...I'd like to move the girls around so they can work up and fertilize different areas as needed. Give the girls fresh ground and replenishing natural bug forage often. It is the easiest way to have a lot of birds but not have a dirt/mudpit for a run. When the weather is bad I can move them close to another building easily. These girls will have more jobs than just laying eggs, they'll have a rough life of eating, pooping, scratching, and chickening it up all over my place! Guess it boils down to two words...simpler management. Remember they are only part of the orchestra.

Is that a boat trailer or just regular cargo trailer frame?

I believe it is an old, pull behind style, camper trailer frame. Based on the demolition and my findings, it had a sink and/or toilet at one point in time.
I will try to update this first post as I build the coop so all pics and descriptions are here.
Best to add new posts for more pics...then when its all done you can make an article with everything in one place.

Looking forward to watching this progress.
Great find with those pallets, lots of material there!
Oh I see, so there will be some kind of skirting below and the coop above.

The camper would have had a skirt, but I do not plan to put one on. In the blazing summer sun I'd like the girls to be able to go under the trailer for shade. Their areas will not have any trees for shade. Yes, the coop will be built on top. Once I get a good software design completed I'll try and post it.

Best to add new posts for more pics...then when its all done you can make an article with everything in one place.

Looking forward to watching this progress.
Great find with those pallets, lots of material there!

Thanks for the post advice. With my general bad luck streak recently, these pallets were a miracle :D :D :D Your posts/pics have provided a lot of information which you will likely see reflected in my build! :)

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