training chickens for voluntary flight

Jungle fowl doing great but will be getting rid of those soon. Do not want risk of those crossing into my games as flock is built back up.

Legally, I do not think I can sell as eggs across state line since not certified. I now use my birds for study purposes rather than game so a surplus of stags most likely in fall. Outside of egg rules do not appear so strict.

A fellow with monoker of vcomb is up your way with American games. A point to note is not all strains seem to have same flight potential even though they look essentially identical. Seems they do not have brains for longer flights.
Jungle fowl doing great but will be getting rid of those soon. Do not want risk of those crossing into my games as flock is built back up.

Legally, I do not think I can sell as eggs across state line since not certified. I now use my birds for study purposes rather than game so a surplus of stags most likely in fall. Outside of egg rules do not appear so strict.

A fellow with monoker of vcomb is up your way with American games. A point to note is not all strains seem to have same flight potential even though they look essentially identical. Seems they do not have brains for longer flights.

Does everyone need a permit to ship eggs across state lines or is that just for gamefowl?
Jungle fowl doing great but will be getting rid of those soon. Do not want risk of those crossing into my games as flock is built back up.

Legally, I do not think I can sell as eggs across state line since not certified. I now use my birds for study purposes rather than game so a surplus of stags most likely in fall. Outside of egg rules do not appear so strict.

A fellow with monoker of vcomb is up your way with American games. A point to note is not all strains seem to have same flight potential even though they look essentially identical. Seems they do not have brains for longer flights.

Does everyone need a permit to ship eggs across state lines or is that just for gamefowl?

Check following link:

I suspect is at least a strict owing to our large poultry industry.
how do they know u have food for them and mines always run away from me

A little training or conditioning is required for getting birds to interact with you and treating you as the treat source. I assume you have brooder reared or are confining chicks to brooder for part of day. Can you purchase something like meal worms or round up a bunch of insects from yard? I say insects, not worms.

Could you post a picture of your birds to be trained and the setup they are in?

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