Training chickens to come home to roost / recognise meal time


May 24, 2022
Hello again! I’m full of questions!

Is it possible to train chickens to respond when you want them to return to the coop?

My chickens are still in a pen. I’m hoping to let them free range when they’re big enough. But I’d like them to return to the coop without having to catch them.

I’ve been tapping the side of their stainless steel treat bowl with spoon - to make a chiming/bell sound before giving them a snack before bedtime in their pen. They seem to respond to this. I’m hoping this routine can be adapted to get them into the coop easily before nightfall???

Has anyone had any success training chickens? If so, what have you been able to get them do?




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Most chickens will naturally return to their coop to roost at dusk. It is an excellent idea, though to teach them to return to the coop or run at anytime, in case of emergency. You are on the right track, associating a sound with food works great for that. I make kissy sounds when it's treat time to call them into the run. Just keep it up, you're doing great.
Most chickens will naturally return to their coop to roost at dusk. It is an excellent idea, though to teach them to return to the coop or run at anytime, in case of emergency. You are on the right track, associating a sound with food works great for that. I make kissy sounds when it's treat time to call them into the run. Just keep it up, you're doing great.
Great! Thanks for the encouragement 😊

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