Trampoline Chicken run. UPDATED!-door and new Girls!

Very smart!!!
Gabe, I like what ya did. Very creative. I kinda agree with ChickenAlgebra about the possibilities of predator intrusion, though. Chicken wire isn`t much of a deterant for a coon. The gate thing is something I`m wrestling with also. The rounded corners have plenty of gap for a coon to get in. I`m planning a chain link series of brood pens and the rounded gates are all that seem to be available in my area. I have an old dog run with a squared gate that is much more secure. Just can`t come to grips with how to secure those rounded edges. Hope it doesn`t become a problem for ya.........Pop
Also, what is your gate latch like? I can't see it that well, and what I can see, looks like something a coon could pop open in 2.3 seconds and then have a buffet of chicken.

I don't know how you never lose to a coon, but you do the best you can to minimize the loss. Right now, the gate is loose fitting and the 2x3 is too big. So those need a fix.
a 55 gallon red barrel is my "coop" for the little guys. Has been since I started. ALthough mine is enclosed in a heavy duty mini pen inside my big run. My nuggets will be spending their first night out tonight. I've decided i'm done with them in my bathroom for good. Was rather funny while i was re-assembling the pen, the older chickens who just moved out about a month ago trying to fight me to get back in!!! Can you imagine 4 -16 week olds in a 55 gallon drum? It was even funnier when they were about 10 weeks old and i had 10 of them that would cram into it!
The is AWESOME. You may have zero predator problems, but if you do look to these folks' comments as a starting point for increasing security. It will be an experiment. I'm sure your chickens will love it.
The gate has been secured on the shed side. I put an 1x1 on the inside of the run since my door swings out, this has left zero gap.. there is a 1 inch gap on all other sides and the bottom has a 1 inch gap with a concrete base. . The rounded corners are fixed with a latch on one end. and on the other end i used two screws to sort of "webb" the wire to close the gap, then i used needle nose to tighten it up.

As far as the 2x3 fence goes. this was the smallest i could find, besides hardware cloth. And i found many BYC members who have never had a prob with 2x3 fence with chicken wire wrapped around it.

the latch has a hole in it, so that you can put a clip of some kind. Also i used an "L" bracket on the bottom of the gate so that it would not swing inwards. this measure has also made the latch a tight fit. which is good and secure.

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