Trampoline chicken tractor


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 8, 2009
i was given a large trampoline that has a few springs missing so th e top is falling in on one side. An idea struck me to wrap it in poultry netting aput a solid cover over the area with the loose top and use it for a tractor.Has anyone else ever heard of this? I think it would work as it would provide shade, shelter from rain and protection from predators. How many meat chickens could raise comfortably in this? i guess it is about 15-20 ft across. i know all you knowledgeable chicken wizards can help me on this.
Sound like a good idea to me.You got me thinking about using my kids trampoline although its not broke down it would be a good reason to keep them off of it and save my nerves. lol
lets see some pics !!
We have an actively used trampoline, and we put plastic fencing zip-tied all around the legs. It makes for a nice extra "run" for the chickens, is in the shade, protected from hawks, and they clean up the moss / bugs / unmown grass under there. The chickens haven't seemed to even mind that much when the kids jump while they are under there LOL.
That's what our chickns had over their run. We inherited a coop, run and chickens when some friends moved. The trampoline frame had broken, so they had put the trampoline fabric over the run, and it was perfect - even kept snow off!

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