Trapping weasel help, please!*IT CAME BACK!**


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA
What a nightmare...a weasel got in my chicken pen/run tonight....and killed my 3 beautiful BBS Orp babies.(miss prissys lines)...i think the young roo tried to defend the girls....his feathers were outside the coop, where the weasel must have first attacked him....but his body was found in the coop...i think he fought and went after the weasel into the coop to protect the girls...(while my adult polish/silkie roo was up on the perches with the hens!...UGH!...
..)..and i'm not even going to get into the story of how my husband LET the weasel go!....
INSTEAD of closing the coop door so it could not get out and killing it right there and then when he saw the thing!!! had to come inside to tell me there was a weasel in the coop!..DUH!...SO KILL IT!. so, here i am *pictue this* in my nightgown....i ran upstairs and jumped into my boots(very attractive...) and coat and grabbed 3 HUGE butcher knives out of my knife block as i was running by my kitchen...i was gonna kill that sucker....but NOoo..darling husband left the coop door open and let the thing out!!!!.....
barnie.gif you can tell, i am upset right now....
smack.gif, anyways, 3 beautiful Orps dead....
hit.gif can i catch/trap this weasel!...i have a hav-a-hart i use the birds that he already killed in it as bait? i am done right now...
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thanks!..i do have ham in the fridge....maybe try that with the chickens he killed earlier?
I was told to do this by a trapper, nail a rat trap to a tree about 3 ft up bait it, you should only catch the varment, he said you can put more than one on the tree. check local codes to see if leagle.
Sorry about your poor chooks. I'd suggest covering the trap with dark cloth/black trash bag (they think it is a hollow log).
Also, play with the trigger catch so that it is just barely preventing the door from springing shut (have watched small opossums enter trap and avoid the trigger plate altogether). If this doesn't work you can cut a section of cardboard box so that it covers the trigger plate entirely and extends to the back of the trap (duct tape to bottom of trap just in front of the trigger plate) This will create one big trigger plate that the gunsel can't avoid in order to get the bait.

A big Victor Rat trap on the tree method is good (just make sure to tie the bloody morsel to the treadle securely (pull and past tense).

Good luck!
thanks so much for the info!....
another question....if i set a trap for them..will it draw up other predators? like the stinkin coy dogs...foxes..etc...? thanks, Wendy

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