Trash Pickers Anonymous


Easter Hatch!!
10 Years
Jul 17, 2009
Perhaps this has been said another day, another way, but my name is Laree, and I am a trash picker.

Today I realized I have a problem. It is one thing to ask the grocer for discarded veggies to feed the chooks, to take home the un-eaten Friday bagels from work, or to garage sale and see “brooder” where once stood kitchen island hood. It is another when you realize “going green” has quietly slipped towards “gone crazy”.

But let me back up.

Yesterday I was on the phone with a chicken friend, bragging about my newly received hatching eggs, when my husband beeped in.

“Come out and get in the truck!” he demanded.

“What is the matter? Where are we going?” I asked.

“It is a surprise!”

So I got in the truck to find both kids strapped in, chanting, “SURPRISE FOR MOMMY! SURPRISE FOR MOMMY! DADDY GO VROOOM!”

And he did. The DH tore down the street, fishtailed corners, and burst into traffic. Three-quarters of a mile later, he pulled into the local grocery store and headed straight for the dumpster. The clouds parted, the sun shone down, and the pigeons sung an angelic tune. Next to the trash bin it stood: a Roman Meal bakery display. Discarded and dirty, but still proud.

So, into the truck it went. I hope you too, see its appeal.

However, it wasn’t until this morning I realized I had a problem. We went to Home Depot but due to some flooding in the parking lot, went in the back way. From the back of the truck, the 4-year-old asked delightedly, “Yay! Are we going to get Mommy a surprise?!”

My name is Laree, and I have raised a family of trash pickers.
Insert dirty joke here?

EDITED: We are going to use the display thingy for nesting boxes: they are the perfect size and depth. AND they have a lip!
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WOW. That is so sad, but I can't help cracking up at your expense
My mom is the exact same way!!! If you have room for it, and it's not cluttering your house so that you look like a family off of "Hoarders", I wouldn't worry. As long as you have some common sense about it and you teach that to ur kids as well I would say that you've raised a family of frugal non-wasters, which is a pretty important trait nowadays. Still, I haven't stopped laughing....

I found this along the road. I went to the house and asked why it was sitting out along the road, the guy told me he wanted rid of it, he put it out hoping someone would take it, so I asked him if he would ne get it in the trunk of the ol caddy and home it came with me.

Sorry, I didnt mean to high jack your thread..........

We also hit the dumpsters in town and get all of the throw aways for the chooks, sometimes we come home with a truck load.
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