trauma and divorce


9 Years
Mar 26, 2010
Last thursday my husband Nathan, annoyed with me, tore my therapy/companion bunny from his cage, held him by the hind legs & bashed his head against the floor 3 times. Joey my innocent bun died in my arms as I was running to the nearest vet's office. Nathan is in jail on a charge of aggravated animal cruelty. I have a restraining order against him & I filed divorce papers this morning. If he could do that to an innocent rabbit he could very well hurt me. I will be homeless at the end of the month as my SSI does not cover the 550 rent (And the landlord says I broke the lease sneaking a pullet in--me bad) I am wearing black for mourning and I will be for a while. I havn't had the energy to do much & for the first 4 days I ate nothing & could not sleep. My doctor has put me on Klonipin to supplement the regular anti anxiety pills I take. Its horrible. My father says I can not come home so I am going to Eugene with my bike & a tent (and the tortoise) I am not drinking because it says not to while on Klonipin, & I respect my innards. I cant bring myself to wash Joey's blood off the walls or the floor, it makes me sick just to go back there.
So sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine how you're feeling.
I am so sorry. I hope things work out for you. I would divorce the guy too.

Have you checked into womens' shelters? The violence he displayed may qualify you for one. They may be able to help you get on back on your feet.
I think divorce is really the only option open right now to you. As far as getting help I think you need to locate every agency you can and bug them till you get some assistance. Try shelters, churches, and government agencies.

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