Trays for quail pens


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 6, 2014
Mid Michigan
Hey all!
My quail pen has dimensions that aren't quite common for oil drip pans, which I know a lot of you use to catch quail poo. My pen is about 58 inches by 20 inches. So a little less than 5' by 2'. Any suggestions as to what to use? Right now I just have the underside lined with paper towel as they're still young, but I'd like to get something I can scrape off daily.

Thank you!
I used corrugated signs which can be bought at the hardware store... free after elections or ordered on line at different sizes.
I usually have a sheet metal fabrication shop make me a 20-22 gauge pan with the edges doubled and folded upwards then i caulk or solder the corners so its an actual pan (the shop will do the corners best if you want to pay for it). Looks professional and if you have it made from galvanized metal it will far outlast most anything else you use. A pan that size should cost something like $40 depending the economy where you are, but would last forever and be sturdy. This isnt' the cheapest way by any means but for me, it saves me time not hassling with trays and my time has $ value most days. Otherwise Juicy had a good idea and recycling always feels good. Also hit thrift stores and look around, you really never know what you'll find in a thrift store.

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