Treating Injured Chicken -leg and wing


Apr 10, 2015
A couple of nights ago two of our chickens were attacked by a nighttime predator, which decimated our small flock after a neighbor's dogs got loose last week, so it's been a traumatic time around here. We thought they were both dead but our 6 month old Black Australorp made it back to the coop that night in obvious shock. We brought her into our sunroom and kept her in a box, where she remained motionless and wide-eyed for nearly 24 hours. Yesterday she began taking water if we held it right up to her beak but no food, pooped twice and is able to perch on chair rungs about 4 inches off of the ground. Her right wing appears injured/crooked, and today we noticed she started walking in very small, slow steps with a heavy limp favoring her right foot,which she holds in the air most of the time while standing, or sits the rest of the time. Pooped twice more today and ate and drank a very small amount, only if food was held near her head, though she seems much more alert today.

So my questions are, what do we do next? We're fairly new to chickens and this is our first major injury. No blood or obvious wounds but definitely in need of some treatment- or will keeping her inside until she heals on her own work? Our most social, favorite chicken, so we're hoping to save her if possible - care tips and advice much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like it's best to keep her quiet and warm and see how she does, chickens can heal up from most things, hopefully nothing is broken and no internal damage, if they get through the first couple of shocky days she should be okay with time. I once put a chicken in a sling and gave it physical therapy after the dog got her, she ended up being really friendly but always had trouble getting on roosts or into nestboxes.
As of now, chicken is eating small amounts of egg and yogurt, water when offered, seems alert but hasn't left the cardboard box in 48 hours. Seems more alert/awake, yet more injured, in the right wing and esp. the right leg. When standing briefly, right leg is off the ground. How to tell if it's broken? What's the prognosis? Thanks for your advice in advance.
Hold your chicken and slowly move the leg and wing in a normal fashion, you should be able to Dell if it's broken if it doesn't move right, a wing can be wrapped to the body to heal, a leg requires an expert, I've not had any luck with broken legs and would cull. Otherwise leave her be and see if she continues to try to get up and perhaps use her leg.
The breeder we got her from offered to put her down this weekend when we come if she's not doing better...I just feel terrible because she's the only survivor and our favorite, but also feel bad that she's sitting in a box all day after living free-range. Will try to assess when hubby gets home but sadly suspect her leg is the worse injury. She has gone from heavily limping on it days 1-2 to barely standing days 3-4, even if her mental status has improved.
That is enough time to see an improvement if it's going to happen, it always seems to be the favorites, good luck in whatever you decide.
thank you, she's continuing to improve diet and being alert but has yet to leave the box. If she's not mobile/improving by the weekend we'll bring her in.

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