Treating Lice and Mites

I believe you posted you are using permethrin 13.3. I would mix 5.5 oz to a gallon of water. I have permethrin 10 and I mix 6.4 oz to a gallon of water. I also have permethrin SFR (36.8) and that I mix 1.7 oz to a gallon of water. Good luck...
Do you have any ivermectin instructions? It's never labeled for poultry, only cows horses and sheep. My local poultry vet wouldn't do anything without paying for them to look and say "yup you have northern fowl mites". Permethrin is doing very little to help. I'm frustrated.
Permethrin getting mixed to the correct concentration is ONE reason I like the premixed ready to use one. Thanks cmom for setting that straight! Giving pests a headache is exactly how resistance is EASILY built way too often. Also store at proper temps and OUT of sunlight in order to maintain efficacy. :he

The are several type of poultry lice and head lice don't go down to the vent area.. that is why I recommended the spraying method I did.. hitting bums with a garden wand MAY not be sufficient. And don't forget to follow up for the second and/or 3rd treatment to try and break the cycle completely.. As stated by another poster.. if it's constantly in YOUR area and you are gonna face it no matter what then no need to wait for it to rear it's ugly head.

Understand there are literally thousands of mite types MANY of them being red in appearance will never feast on chickens.. so please don't panic every time you see a "red" mite. During my flea research I discovered there are more than 2500 species of flea and the one that MOST often infest dogs is actual cat fleas.. but that's a whole other branch of this challenge. My parents swore we could catch lice from feathers. Poultry lice will NOT set up habitation on humans. But I guess human lice (or whatever the correct term is) MIGHT possibly hitch a ride on fowl.

Ivermectin.. I see so many different suggestions and suspect it's due to different products being used. Maybe @dawg53 or @casportpony have done enough research and have confidence to share the effective treatment dose.. if you need to use as PART of your fight along with the permethrin.. swap, back and forth when needed to maintain efficacy.. not at the same time.. The following is a quote from dawg in another thread and related to worms not lice. actually, I'll link the tread before the quote.. At the end of that thread thread I see dawg was attempting to withdraw the recommendation.. ah, times and understanding DO change for many of us..

"Ivermectin pour on and Ivomec eprinex pour on are absorbed quickly through the skin into the bloodstream. Dosages for both pour ons are the same. Both kill roundworms, gapeworms, most lice/mites and many other types of worms, but not tapeworms. There is a clear warning on the ivermectin pour on label stating a 48 day slaughter withdrawal period. However, for egg consumption it's the standard 2 week withdrawal period. There is NO withdrawal for ivomec eprinex pour on. Ivomec injectable- 50ml 1% injectable cattle ivermectin...mix it as follows; 4cc/ml per gallon of water. The mixture is the only water the chickens get for 2 days. For lice/mites, retreat in 14 days w/ same dosage and time. The injectable would be ideal for large flocks. Standard 2 week withdrawal period applies. Withdrawal times are for basically for 2 purposes; To give the wormers time to kill and expel the worms over a period of time and to give a safe margin of time for the wormer itself to be expelled from the chickens system. It prevents possible sensitivity to individuals ingesting a given amount (including minute quantities) of the wormer preventing a possible allergic reaction. It is true that it one of the safest wormers on the market."

Oh wait, I remembered my favorite veterinary resource and of course the answer is there.. Merck veterinary manual.. control with ivermectin (1.8,levels, and require repeated use.

Always use YOUR own discernment.
I believe you posted you are using permethrin 13.3. I would mix 5.5 oz to a gallon of water. I have permethrin 10 and I mix 6.4 oz to a gallon of water. I also have permethrin SFR (36.8) and that I mix 1.7 oz to a gallon of water. Good luck...
Mixed 5.5 ounces for 1 gallon on Wednesday(maybe yesterday, busy blurry lately) . Soaked her. Soft spray this morning. Also @EggSighted4Life
This is now
Unfortunately she is stuck in the garage recovering from an injury and I know that is a better environment for the mites out of sun but now I cant put her with the rest because how bad this infestation is. Yesterday I took her cage out, cleaned thoroughly, sprayed with permethrin, fresh bedding, and this photo from today.
Some pet shampoos have permethrin in them. I always bathe my birds prior to a show. It will help. If it's chilly out I use a hair dryer to dry the birds.

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