Treating weak runt duckling

I'm late to the party but i want to say nice job, great writeup! :thumbsupI just want to point out some errors in your niacin dosing.

"He needs 50mg of niacin a day. iam using pharmacy isle B vitamins. its fruit flavored and easy to get for me. it is 30MG per ml. So he will need 1 syringe full in the morning, 1 in the afternoon then half of one in the evening."

Well, you read the box wrong and its only 20 mg/ml. That sounded like a lot of niacin so i looked it up on metzer farms blog. Turns out they dose in ppm, and if your duck eats .35 lbs of food a day they only need 10mg of niacin in that amount of food. So you were advocating 5x what an ADULT duck needs. A baby duck may need higher concentration, but they eat much less food as well. Info gets passed around byc like a game of telephone and its good to ground information on professional basis if possible. :frow obviously your duck turned out ok i just want to point this out because so often i see posts recomending enough niacin to treat a steer!
i did get that info from here :oops: it was from members who havent posted in over 12 months too

The vitamins havent hurt any of my ducklings yet but i will be cutting back

you would want to add at least 2.8 ml (56 mg) of that vitamin per 1000 grams of feed

I wish i was able to edit the thread 🙃

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