Treating weak runt duckling



Life’s a garden: dig it.
5 Years
Apr 30, 2018
Nova scotia
Hey everyone! in the spirit of spring and lots of new duckling owners i wanna make a little right up!

Keep in mind i failed grade 10 english, i will talk in circles and babble alot. And this is all information i gained here thanks to everyone and most of all @Miss Lydia @casportpony @Pyxis and i appologize to everyone i missed. i have a bad memory too!

So, The one thing discussed on BYC ducks the most is Niacin. Niacin (Niacinamide) is part of the B vitamins. Not all ducklings need added niacin but using it prevents future niacin deficiencies and can treat niacin problems at birth. from reading here we have seen niacin make improvements as fast as 12-24 hours after first dose.

Common side affects of niacin deficiency are
loss of coordination
"bow" legs
Spraddle legs
Low energy
ive even read people treating it for what seamed like nuerological problems.

These arent all the side effects of niacin defficiency and these side effects can be caused by other issues.

Even adult ducks 6 years old in age can start showing these sighns of niacin defficiency.

The most common products to use are
B Complex from thebpharmacy isle. i got this for 5$ it will last me a month

Then there is farm store injectable B vitamins thats given orally

And Brewers yeast, The kind specificaly made to have b vitamins


Everyone should comment Niacin defficiency
effects because i know i missed alot

Alrite, So yesterday morning i had 10 ducklings hatch. very healthy and drinking water and eating within hours. Except for the last one to hatch, He was hours behind the rest and was weak.

Hes smaller than the rest, poor balance, Showing lack of coordination. He gets a crusty eye and his belly button is sticking out and is dry and hard.

First. He needs 50mg of niacin a day. iam using pharmacy isle B vitamins. its fruit flavored and easy to get for me. it is 30MG per ml. So he will need 1 syringe full in the morning, 1 in the afternoon then half of one in the evening. Spreading it out helps his tiny system absorb more. Thatd be like us drinking 5 gallons of water at once!

Hes 24 hours old and too tiny for me to tube feed or squirt the liquid right in his bill. i will have to drip the liquid along his bill. The stuffs fruit flavoured he seams to like it. it takes patience but just hope most goes in!

Next his crusty eye. i cleaned it out yesterday but iam going to do the same thing again today. This is where my wife seys iam too rough but i think i have it under controll.

i hold the duckling tightly and get my tap running warm water. i turn to a nice steady soft stream and hold the ducklings eye right under the water. Now we have well water, City water if treated right shouldnt cause an issue... But if its over chlorinated ide use a water bottle with a hole in the stop to squirt the water out and clean water.

I make sure to wash the eyeball right out. And if the down is matted around the eye use the warm water to losen it. Then use a q tip to softly dry and scrub the filth away. The dry crust around the eye can make the duckling uncomfortable.

Also, Let the duckling breath, Try not to cover its nares and bill, if it inhales water it can cause Pnuemonia infections and death!

Okay! So with that done the already weakened duckling is wet and chilling fast! Runts and weaklings chill faster and take longer to warm. i use a hair dryer to quickly warm and dry the duckling. They get used to it and even my adult Duck likes the hair dryer

Blow dry on low air speed but watch the head. Hair dryers can burn ducklings. Put the hair dryer in the inside of your wrist to test the head and use your judgement wisely

Now that hes dry and warm. iam applying polysporin triple antibiotic to his eye and belly. Never use pain releiving polysporin it is toxic to ducklings

And lastly, For good measure. iam applying Green Goo respritory care, only because i can hear the faintest snotty breathing from his nares

So everyone add what ive missed and other seggestions

i dont think there is anything else i can do for the little guy!
Great detailed approach @Jpat. only thing I probably wouldn't do is hold the duckling under tap water to clean the eye but use warm compress, maybe a cup of warm water with 1/8th teaspoon salt mixed and hold over the eye then gently wipe.

Dont you ever tell my wife she was right! Hahaha i like the warm compress alot better!

Thanks Duckydonna and everyone!

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