Treating wry neck in newly hatched duckling


Apr 15, 2022
My 6th and final egg hatched last night (yeyyy) but I had to assist a little as it was shrinkwrapped and clearly struggling. He had a swollen, leaky abdomen/belly button. It was about grape sized and has since (as far as I can tell) sorted itself out nicely.

The duckling has wryneck and can barely stand at all without collapsing on its back. He’s otherwise happy and chirpy, not lethargic or crying like he was last night (I gave him water and molasses this morning and he perked up straight away). Is there a way to treat this? I’ve been holding him so that he doesn’t keep falling over, and he’s been sleeping in my hand, but it’s like a compulsive movement that keeps waking him up and causing him to writhe about.

I’ve been giving him vitamin b complex with niacin from a little syringe and I’ve ordered brewers yeast from Amazon. Is there anything else that can help? Has anyone succeeded in making a brace or support so that he can be put down without flipping himself over?
wry neck ducklings need Vit E along with B complex and scrambled eggs which has the selenium he needs also.
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You could try treating it with vitamin E as @WVduckchick suggested, and it might be good to give it some thiamine too.

For the E I would use a human E capsule and drip the contents into it's bill.
For thiamine, I would use the B complex from Tractor supply and give it about 0.1 ml orally.

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The video was heart wrenching. I've been through that myself, but mine was a little younger. I have not found anything that will make things all better. If you do, please let us all know. Good luck!!
He’s all better now! 3 days in the sock and he was completely normal. I also fed him scrambled eggs with vitamin e and niacin added in. Keeping him warm and comfortable is what helped the most I think. I literally carried him with me everywhere and by day 4 he was wobbly but almost completely better!

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