Treatments for Prolapse Duck Phallus (Penis) - Under Construction - Updated 2-9-2021



BYC Staff
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Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
This is what a healthy duck penis looks like (pictures by @HuffleClaw):

The purpose of this thread is to collect info on the subject and eventually turn it into an article.

In this thread I would like to see how people have treated their drakes and what their outcomes were. I would also like to see links to treatments from credible sources.

"Prolapsed Phallus Penis Prolapse Prolapsed phallus can sometimes occur in male ducks and can be trauma-induced or a clinical sign related to venereal disease. A prolapsed phallus is described as a condition in which a male duck's phallus (penis) remains outside of the body and is unable to retract back inside the body. The longer the phallus remains outside of the duck's body, the greater the risk of secondary bacterial contamination and damage to this important body part. When the phallus is outside of the body, it runs the risk of becoming enlarged and swollen, dry and ulcerating, and necrotic during advanced stages. The duck is usually acting abnormal and may appear depressed, isolate themselves, and show no desire to eat, mate, or socialize with other ducks. Prolapsed phallus is also a clinical sign that is often seen in ducks with duck plague."

One avian vet wrote:
I am an avian specialist and I see these ocassionally. Sorry I missed this post until 18 months later, but in case someone else comes across this in the future, I recommend the following:
  1. Separate the drake from females. Typically this is a problem affecting young, exuberant drakes. If you take away the temptation then their phallus will stay put and get the rest it sorely needs.
  2. If the tissue is too swollen to replace or is black, green, dead then see an avian vet first.
  3. If not, gently cleanse the phallus and, if possible without too much misery, lube it up with KY or similar water-soluble jelly and tuck it back inside the cloaca. Sometimes, if the duck is cooperative, you can try applying a hypertonic sugar solution to help shrink the swollen tissue. Most ducks are not this patient.
  4. If it pops right back out and there is danger of it getting stepped on or beat up, go see an avian vet.

The most important steps the vet can provide that you can't are pain relief, anti-inflammatory drugs, and, in the case of a phallus that keeps popping back out, they can apply a couple of temporary sutures across the vent to hold the phallus in place while it heals. The procedure can be performed in most ducks while awake and using just a local anesthetic-- so not too expensive. Usually this is all that's needed and the sutures can come out in 10-14 days (often they pop out on their own). In very few cases, where the phallus has devitalized or become injured, or fails to heal after the initial vent sutures, then amputation is necessary. Some birds will have long-term complications from this, depending upon how the amputation is performed.

  • Incorrect vent sexing
  • Bacterial infection
  • Excessive use.
  • Duck Plague

This is one I did:
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I wasnt sure what to expect, so I made three cuts. Each time I got a little braver and took off more.
chopped duck penis.png

References -

Posts from other threads:
i had to get most of my poor drakes phallus removed 7 days ago about 2 inches were out and the end of it was purple and starting to die it cost me around $780 for the checkup, surgery and meds i couldn't stand to see him in pain they took 4 out of 5 inches =( he is doing good and very horny he keeps trying to rape my arm lol

here are some pics the vet took

this is before the surgery

and after

This duck died due to lack of proper treatment:

"Since Vaseline works as a lubricant and moisturizer, you may be tempted to use it internally as a lubricant. Vaseline may be used externally only. It may cause infection due to the amount of petroleum and oil it contains. These products are not water soluble because they are not water-rrbased. As a result, your body may have a hard time getting rid of the petroleum jelly, which may lead to infection such as yeast infection. When used during sexual intercourse, Vaseline may cause condoms to break."

From here:

"Various studies have linked petroleum jelly with the growth of yeast which causes severe infections. A link between this product to bacterial vaginosis and pelvic inflammatory disease has also been established, rendering it unsuitable. For this reason, experts recommend the use of alternative lubricants to avoid getting such diseases."

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I thought that was a myth that the penis falls off each year? I thought the hormones that are high during mating season make the penis and testicles become enlarged. But then the rest of the year the penis and testicles are quite small? Although I can’t remember where I read that.:confused:
I thought that was a myth that the penis falls off each year? I thought the hormones that are high during mating season make the penis and testicles become enlarged. But then the rest of the year the penis and testicles are quite small? Although I can’t remember where I read that.:confused:
:bow Thanks, I hadn't bothered reading the whole paragraph and just pasted it! :oops: Wow, I can't believe I did that, lol. Post #1 has had the misinformation removed!
I have Call Ducks and my Drake this spring prolapsed his Penis. I was told it was due to him being older, chubby, and dry land breeding without a kiddie pool. A little over an inch was exposed. It turned black. :th
I was at first keeping him in the house in a crate. I cool water bathed him and massaged his Penis with Vaseline twice daily. That didn't work. After 5 days and many different conversations with many different people I decided to put him back outside and see what happened?.
Nothing happened so after two months I contacted more people and was advised to trim the dead tissue off. During this time he never got depressed or sick. He ate and was good. He was more aggressive due to being sexually frustrated though.
I contacted a friend who then watched that same video and she snipped off the dead tissue, clamped in with her fingers and then sprayed blue kote on it. I put him into a separate pen and his Penis already retracted back inside. I was uncertain if he would ever be a breeding Drake again ? :idunno
I kept him locked up for two full days and on the third day I released him out with the Hens. First thing he did was breed all my Hens in the kiddie pool. He is fertile without any issues. I have 15 Ducklings to prove it works..:woot..:wee
I was also advised to not House him during winter with my Hens and always have a kiddie pool so even if he dry land breeds he will have cool water to clean and retract his Penis.
Here is Casanova all fixed...:celebrate

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