Treatments for Prolapse Duck Phallus (Penis) - Under Construction - Updated 2-9-2021

View attachment 1498999 I have Call Ducks and my Drake this spring prolapsed his Penis. I was told it was due to him being older, chubby, and dry land breeding without a kiddie pool. A little over an inch was exposed. It turned black. :th
I was at first keeping him in the house in a crate. I cool water bathed him and massaged his Penis with Vaseline twice daily. That didn't work. After 5 days and many different conversations with many different people I decided to put him back outside and see what happened?.
Nothing happened so after two months I contacted more people and was advised to trim the dead tissue off. During this time he never got depressed or sick. He ate and was good. He was more aggressive due to being sexually frustrated though.
I contacted a friend who then watched that same video and she snipped off the dead tissue, clamped in with her fingers and then sprayed blue kote on it. I put him into a separate pen and his Penis already retracted back inside. I was uncertain if he would ever be a breeding Drake again ? :idunno
I kept him locked up for two full days and on the third day I released him out with the Hens. First thing he did was breed all my Hens in the kiddie pool. He is fertile without any issues. I have 15 Ducklings to prove it works..:woot..:wee
I was also advised to not House him during winter with my Hens and always have a kiddie pool so even if he dry land breeds he will have cool water to clean and retract his Penis.
Here is Casanova all fixed...:celebrate
Ok so my drake is prolapsed but its not dead or black. His poop clumps around it and then he baths and its clean and pink for a while....his goes up all but about an inch sticks out. When he poops it falls out then goes back up....well what happened was he pooped and a hen seen it hanging and graves it and tried to run off with it :-/ so he's been prolapsed about 3 weeks now but its not dead tissue. He is eating great not depressed but he is sexually frustrated and getting aggressive and pacing the pen trying to get out.... Any suggestions? He is my best drake and has won several reserve and champions.
I'm afraid to cut it with it being pink and all. Wondered if anyone has ever used a band of some sort? Like doing lamb tails?
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Hello :) that first pic was about half an hour after the hen grabbed and tried to eat it. It was bruised and starting to swell a little. And how its still hanging in thr I've done as much as I can at this point I just wan to know if I should cull him or if it's possible to cut it......its still not dead, and every time I stick it back in it pops out when he poops. If it was infected ( not sure if it could get Infected in 30 min ) he shows no signs of being sick or in any pain. His junk is just hanging out

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