Treats for chicks

Pampered chicken girl

I can't control their fear, only my own
Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
I am going to be raising some more chicks in a month or two so I have been getting everything in order for them (finding cheapest place to get food, water system ect ect) so now I am at the point of wondering the best treat for them, I love to spoil them especially when they are tiny and fluffy so I want to give them the best first weeks possible. I gave my first chicks mealworms when they were a week old and they loved it. Can I give a little cooked egg, a little mealworms or BSFL (black soldier fly larva), or anything else I can give them. Thanks and thanks in advance from my unhatched chickies
Really I would hold off on giving chicks treats for the first few weeks. That's a critical time for them as far as growing and development and if they're filling up on treats that aren't as nutritious as their formulated feed it won't be as good for them.
1-2 mealworms each won't hurt right
Really I would hold off on giving chicks treats for the first few weeks. That's a critical time for them as far as growing and development and if they're filling up on treats that aren't as nutritious as their formulated feed it won't be as good for them.
Yep. I agree with Isadora. I usually wait till mine are around a month before I start giving them treats. (Fruit, mealworms etc.) I do give them a piece of sod when they are around a week tho, and they love to eat the grass. (Make sure you provide grit!) but sometimes I do give the chicks scrambled egg and I wet there feed, which they love!

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