Tree birds


Jul 25, 2019
Jonestown, TX
My Coop
My Coop
Anyone else have birds who like to be up high? Mine will perch in the trees (we had all 6 in this tree tonight), on top of the fence, up in my kid's playhouse, on the backs of patio chairs, etc.


Oh yes, mine love to perch on anything up high. I think they're favorite is any place place that's just beyond my reach, or any spot where I might sit in the future. (They love to leave me lots of poop to accidentally sit in.) Lol
Ha. I feel that. I now preface any visit to our back patio with, “You night not believe it, but I clean out here twice a day.” :)
Sooooooooo I don't want to be debbie downer... but I got to tell you I have never had tree-roosting birds that made it very long. You may want to try and break them of the habit before they aren't around anymore. Chickens can't see in the dark, they will literally just sit there (think about how easy it is to grab them at night to look at them vs the day). And eventually someone is going to come upon them... in my case a raccoon... and they'll just sit there when it comes time to get away. I've heard owls can taken them out of trees as well.
Sooooooooo I don't want to be debbie downer... but I got to tell you I have never had tree-roosting birds that made it very long. You may want to try and break them of the habit before they aren't around anymore. Chickens can't see in the dark, they will literally just sit there (think about how easy it is to grab them at night to look at them vs the day).

Thank you for noting that. It's helpful for future reference. Fortunately, for now, at least, our flock very dutifully climbs into their repurposed pigeon loft every night, right at sunset! They just spend their days in the trees and stuff. :) At night, they get a very secure flight deck! (pictured below, before I've shut the door for the night)
Thank you for noting that. It's helpful for future reference. Fortunately, for now, at least, our flock very dutifully climbs into their repurposed pigeon loft every night, right at sunset! They just spend their days in the trees and stuff. :) At night, they get a very secure flight deck! (pictured below, before I've shut the door for the night)View attachment 1879375

OHHH! I thought they were over-nighting in the trees. If they go dutifully into their coop at night, you are good to go! I have 3 americaunas that simply will not stay in the run... kind of belligerent like your ladies. But they are more fun to watch as they crap on my front porch....................... right......?
Curious, do they use doors above the flight deck?

Actually, I have the doors zip-tied and bungied shut, so they don't. One time, I was cleaning the coop with a new cleaner and it freaked a couple of them out, so they kind of holed up in the flight deck rather than running out like the rest of them did, so I opened it up and they jumped down from there. However, they DO try to get up there at night sometimes. They'll see their friends up there, and fly up, and get a claw on the wood, and one claw wrapped around the wire, and they'll just flap until they realize it's a lost cause. :he

When we had pigeons, something got in the trap windows above the flight deck, so we REALLY reinforced everything before we got anything else. There are just two hasps on the doors, and if a raccoon managed to get up that high, I know they'd have no problem unlatching them, so we keep it locked down. And the set-up is so difficult to remove (I can only remove and replace the bungie, with effort; I'd have to cut the zip tie and start over) that we just leave it closed.

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