Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

So wow, a second neighbor just walked into my driveway and chased my chickens. She was encouraging her dog to chase them. What the hell is wrong with people? I really want to trespass her azz but we live two doors apart and I don’t want to wreck the neighborhood.
I would respond In a couple of different ways that I have found effective. 1- post this to a neighborhood group either or both “Nextdoor” “FB” etc asking if anyone knew the perpetrators. 2- Be in the yard, waiting on them to walk by. 3- if they don’t want by, knock on their door. I prefer #2 because then they are on my property IF it gets heated, and I can have them trespassed. I had a different issue with a guy allowing his dog to poop in my yard and not clean up after his dog. I posted to FB first and made a public notice that if anyone knew the guy, to let him know I was looking for him and I had something to give him. He had met me before at a neighborhood party, and after another neighbor let him know that I had him on camera, he completely avoided my road. Probably solved. If you catch these folks on your property and step out with the pump 12 gauge…. Don’t point it at anyone, just let them know the options. Clint Eastwood said it best, “ get off my lawn”.
What did I see. She was walking the small dog on a leash and followed it onto your property. She is taking it for a walk so it can deposit poop on other people's property and not carrying anything to clean up after the dog. Respectful dog owners clean up after their pets. Coming off of the walkway/street like that is trespassing though I'd be OK if it is right next to the sidewalk and she was cleaning up after her dog. She was not doing that.

At one point she was pulling it back from something off camera, probably after it did its business.

That dog is small enough that she could have stopped it from chasing the chicken if she wanted to. It does look like she encouraged the chasing. She at least allowed it. I can't tell how old she is. I suspect she is a teenager living at home but I just can't tell.

It looks like the chickens are allowed to free range next to the street unless that was an escapee. If the chickens were confined to the property the dog and girl could not have chased the chicken. I'm not sure what your local laws and regulations are about allowing your chickens the freedom to roam into the street. You may be vulnerable on that point. You might want to make sure before you bring in legal authorities.

You know who it is and where they live. I'd knock on the door and discuss it with them. Don't go in threatening to start a war, just present what happened. See what kind of response you get and go from there.
If you don't want to call the police or call bylaw I would get some chalk, draw a line and write a message at the end of your driveway basically saying if you cross this line you are trespassing or you are on camera or get a rope and string it across your driveway. I would nip this in the bud. She obviously doesn't respect your property and her dog will kill your birds, plus she just chased one off your property. I would be really angry about this, she has alot of nerve.

*She is the one wrecking the neighbourhood, put her in her place
As much as I don’t want a Rooster, this would be a great place for a Cocky Protector!!!
What did I see. She was walking the small dog on a leash and followed it onto your property. She is taking it for a walk so it can deposit poop on other people's property and not carrying anything to clean up after the dog. Respectful dog owners clean up after their pets. Coming off of the walkway/street like that is trespassing though I'd be OK if it is right next to the sidewalk and she was cleaning up after her dog. She was not doing that.

At one point she was pulling it back from something off camera, probably after it did its business.

That dog is small enough that she could have stopped it from chasing the chicken if she wanted to. It does look like she encouraged the chasing. She at least allowed it. I can't tell how old she is. I suspect she is a teenager living at home but I just can't tell.

It looks like the chickens are allowed to free range next to the street unless that was an escapee. If the chickens were confined to the property the dog and girl could not have chased the chicken. I'm not sure what your local laws and regulations are about allowing your chickens the freedom to roam into the street. You may be vulnerable on that point. You might want to make sure before you bring in legal authorities.

You know who it is and where they live. I'd knock on the door and discuss it with them. Don't go in threatening to start a war, just present what happened. See what kind of response you get and go from there.
So refreshing to hear such level headed logic.
I would go knock on her door tomorrow morning and have a nice chat with her.
Nope, I would call the cops immediately, show them the video and tell them you expect them to handle it so that it does not happen again. I would definitely press charges. Our girls are so important to us. It's bad enough when you lose one to a predator especially when you take all precautions you can. The chicken was definitely on your property and she and her dog terrorized it OUT of the driveway---your driveway. Really disturbs me that she is laughing and encouraging her pet to become a predator. Stop her in her tracks!
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What the heck did I just watch? I hope your chicken made it back home safe.

Personally, I'd let her have it. I'd call every single authority available - cops for trespassing and property damage (since most animals are considered property), animal control officer and town officials so she gets fined and the dog is on the radar.
I agree!
It's your responsibility to protect your animals on your property. I agree with what everyone else said. Show the cops the video, and I hope you know her address. Let her get away with it and next time will be worse, or, her dog might go after someone's cat or other pet. There are way too many "the neighbor's dog killed all of my (fill in the blank).

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