Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

I'm sorry that you have to deal with this, and I hope that whatever you decide to do works out well for you. As Ridgerunner pointed out above, though, be careful that the local ordinances are on your side before you call the cops.
Been there done this.
It's not the chicken keeping to focus on.
It's the dog being set on another animal.
That, everywhere in the US, is animal cruelty. Had something similar happen about 10 years ago. Cop told me flat out, deliberately setting a dog on an animal or pet belonging to another person is against the law.
Neighbor who owned the dog got a very angry cop knocking on his door and was read the riot act. He immediately secured the dog and got it out of the neighborhood shortly after. I didn't choose to press charges, but the cop made it clear that with animal cruelty charges, I didn't have to. The law would.
Take a video or photos of everything she does on your property. Use them as evidence against her. She could possibly be charged with animal cruelty along with trespassing. You should also have "No Trespassing" signs up if you are going to try to charge her.
Hi there! I am not sure where you live, but you might also want to try reaching out to your town or city board members. I live in a rural area, but we had someone move in the area who liked playing "cowboy" and wanted animals, but did not put up fences on his land nor tend to his animals. The animals kept going everywhere and finally the town board talked to him because the animals were going down the country roads, into neighbors' yards and into the one block town. We also have a neighbor down the road who is a DNR warden and also talked to the "cowboy" neighbor because he was doing other shady things as well.
This is terrible! You can hear her in the video encouraging the dog to chase your chicken. Even if that didn't happen, which of course it did, she let her dog come all the way in your driveway even though you can't see the dog for a period of time I'm sure it's using the bathroom in your flower beds. And, she didn't even have any bags with her to pick anything up. You have to nip this in the bud ASAP or it will just keep happening!
So wow, a second neighbor just walked into my driveway and chased my chickens. She was encouraging her dog to chase them. What the hell is wrong with people? I really want to trespass her azz but we live two doors apart and I don’t want to wreck the neighborhood.
I believe you are permitted to shoot any dog that pursues or threatens your livestock and/or poultry. I would definitely share that with your trespassing neighbor.
I would go knock on her door tomorrow morning and have a nice chat with her.
I agree with Kiki. Forgiveness is always the best route. Be brave and go talk civilly with her, but stern enough for her to get that you're serious. Bring her some eggs when you go, and then invite her to see your chickens. Then, after bonding with your birds, hopefully she'll truly understand it's not funny to let her dog do that.

Idk where you live, but my city ordinances state that no animal can be allowed to "run at large" which by definition is what both the dog and the chickens are allowed to do in the video shown.

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