I've read and tried everything I can find on how to break a broody (days and days of chicken jail 4 ft off the ground with ice packs all over floor forcing roosting on 2x4, along with cold water dunks). Nothing has had any effect. With last purchase of chicks sixteen months ago I got two Buff Orps along with my usual Barred Rocks because I read they are friendly and easy to keep. Saw broodiness listed but didn't realize it would be SO much worse than with Barred Rocks. After all extended efforts to break broodiness have failed I'm ready to just let broody "Blondie" continue to sit 24/7 on her invisible eggs. I'm worn out from pulling her off the nest at regular intervals to try to get her to eat, poop, drink water. I sewed a harness so I can keep her on a leash instead of repeatedly chasing behind her as she sprints back to the coop area during outings. She protests so loudly when I have her away from the nest that I'm afraid the neighbors are going to turn me in to the SPCC. Humid heat and mosquitoes in this Texas hell hole are difficult enough this time of year. We are maxed out on chicken numbers so I can't let her sit on fertilized eggs or get chicks. I don't want to lose my normally sweet and funny hen but don't know what else to do. I can tell this is definitely hurting her health....How long can this go on? If I just let the zombie feather ball sit in the heat will she survive? My husband refuses to let me make her a house chicken and she probably would just "nest" under a chair anyway. Help!!