Trim or Cull? Beak Deformation in 5 week chick


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 15, 2011
Pacific Beach, WA

Meet Piggy. She's got a funny beak. I posted asking if I should and how I should trim it, and the only response I got was to cull her. Does anyone else have any suggestions? And when will I know she is in distress, if I do need to cull.


This is my first batch of chicks and I didn't think culling would be necessary for this... kind've taken by surprise by the response...
So her beak is a little different. I wouldn't cull her. She looks fine to me. I mean I am not expert but I think she will live her life all the same.
If she's made it this long ok, I wouldn't. She looks healthy otherwise and happy. I would just watch her for any problems that might come up but wait and see....
I personally would cull.

I have never had one grow to maturity and last.

I know some house them seperately and provide them with their own food and water and they live longer. I don't have the luxury.
Bad beaks are hereditary , so you don't want to use her for breeding. But you could still eat her eggs. Depends on if you are planning to breed.
Thank goodness!

"CULL HER" was the first reply I received, and if that information was accurate and necessary, I was ready to do so. I just don't think wantonly snapping necks is a good plan of action.

Anyone have funny beaked babies that grow up fine?
I believe their is a whole thread on here somewhere about funny beaked chickins. Most of them I saw on it were full grown.
I wouldn't cull her. If she has managed to get to that size without human aid, then I think that's proof enough that she is capable of feeding and caring for herself just fine. Even if her beak looks strange, if she has managed to grow up and maintain a healthy body weight, then I think it's pretty obvious it's not really 'weighing her down' so to speak.

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