Triple yolk...SMH

Cute, it is a girl, but I named her Sugar for Halloween,.... the next eggs to hatch, if the rooster is who I think it is, the chicks will be all black. Now I am looking for names one will be Pepper, I don't want to think of too many more names till they hatch though.
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Day 18 only 2 now. I put them on lock down, they are laying on their side, out of the holders.
Sorry to hear about Eggula! Well wishes for the rest of your clutch though. I've opened eggs that didnt make it before and it's tough but it's a good learning experience.

One time I had a massive egg in a chicken nest, but instead of being multi yolk, it was a peachick. No idea why a peahen would lay there. I honestly suspect someone moved it.
The 4 that hatched earlier, are fine, I'm going to give them to a mother hen overnight, I have a pen for them and her. The 2 that I am waiting on are on day 20, they are still in the egg, candled they are bobbing in aircell, no action yet, if they hatch, and get sea legs they will go in with the others. Thanks for watching.
The double yolks I have set in the past, only made it to day 10 this one made it to day 16-17 before dying. Of the 3 yolks, one was undeveloped, one was partial developed, and one was almost fully developed, but probably died from the other rotting yolks.

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