Triple yolked eggs

I did switch feed brands. Do you think that might affect the shell color? The hens are red sex-links and just recently started laying, about a week ago. Three are laying. The other twos eggs have been light brown since the start. The other was laying real dark brown then they lightened up wth these double yolkers.

Thumbs up to my SLW Fly Girl....5 months old and she gave me this egg yesterday...broke it open this am 3 yolks....she has been laying one or two double yolks a week for 3 weeks now.....I wondered what all the cackling was about.....
I have heard that multi-yolk eggs will not ever get to full term. I don't know if this is ture or not but that's what I have heard. Makes since cause how would more then one chick develop.

ON another note I have had a couple of triple yolks and alot of doubles
The pigment that goes into the eggs kind of depletes as the hen lays consistently, then is "replenished" after a break like a molt. It's normal for eggs to be darker at the beginning of the cycle than the end.

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