Troubled Muscovies!


Duck Addict
5 Years
May 14, 2019
Woods of PA
Hi everyone . I am having trouble with my 2 muscovies. Lucky and Bella, bella being the only female scovy and lucky being the only male duck.Now if you haven't guessed what the problem was after reading the hint then let me explain. Lucky is overb breeding bella. I have another female duck but he hates her so she is always hanging with the chickens . Bella is very small for her age they are 5-6 months old. I had to other muscovies but I had to get rid of her and him for behaviors like this! I'm not aloud any more muscovies on my property though so I really don't no what to do. He also attacks me but normally if he does I keep him pinned to the ground till he stops. Right after that he Chase's after bella obviously bella being very much faster so most of the time I know @Miss Lydia and @Claires Poultry has some muscovies. Help is appreciated
Honestly, I don't know that you can do much about it unless he is separated. My muscovys breeding is pretty brutal and I have multiple hens. When our, this seasons hatched, drakes are big enough they will be removed from the masses. Boys can be trouble. Attacking you is an absolute NO! There are others that may have some remedies but if it were me, he would have to go. Unless you are wanting ducklings I would just stick with hens.
Honestly, I don't know that you can do much about it unless he is separated. My muscovys breeding is pretty brutal and I have multiple hens. When our, this seasons hatched, drakes are big enough they will be removed from the masses. Boys can be trouble. Attacking you is an absolute NO! There are others that may have some remedies but if it were me, he would have to go. Unless you are wanting ducklings I would just stick with hens.
I really wanted ducklings but now I don't. To many incidents with the breed and my mallard won't go nowhere near my 2 Muscovies. She was raised with chickens so bella would be pretty lonely and I would hate getting rid of her. Do you think a bigger breed would help out?
First of all I think you need more Muscovy hens. 1 hen to 1 drake is not the right ratio. You should have at least 6 hens per drake.
It sounds like maybe your drake is overly aggressive. He might need to be culled. If I had a drake that aggressive he would get culled right away. It's not ok for him to attack you either! You can try giving him more hens and see if that will help, but in my opinion he should be culled. I understand you want ducklings, but I think you should start over again with a new drake that's not so aggressive. Then make sure he has at least 6 hens.
I pray you can get things figured out soon. :)
First of all I think you need more Muscovy hens. 1 hen to 1 drake is not the right ratio. You should have at least 6 hens per drake.
It sounds like maybe your drake is overly aggressive. He might need to be culled. If I had a drake that aggressive he would get culled right away. It's not ok for him to attack you either! You can try giving him more hens and see if that will help, but in my opinion he should be culled. I understand you want ducklings, but I think you should start over again with a new drake that's not so aggressive. Then make sure he has at least 6 hens.
I pray you can get things figured out soon. :)
The problem is he was never aggressive. He was very sweet that's why we kept him :barnie:idunnoI got rid of my dominant drake and my other hen because they were so aggressive.
Lucky needs some time out! Do you have a covered run? Put his butt in there or put the 2 females in so he can’t abuse Bella. This happens so much and the only way to stop it is to separate . If your run isn’t covered clip wings so they can’t fly out. We have to protect our females from abuse. Mating is natural an duck sex is rough but when it becomes abuse we have to step in.
I haven't ever had an aggressive Muscovy drake not to me anyway. Thank goodness. And right now I have 1 drake and 4 females an none are showing abuse. It's either separate, trade or butcher.
The problem is he was never aggressive. He was very sweet that's why we kept him :barnie:idunnoI got rid of my dominant drake and my other hen because they were so aggressive.
I'm sorry he turned aggressive on you. :hugs
Do you still want to keep a drake around, though? If so I think it would be good start with ducklings and hand raise them so they're friendly and they won't attack you.
Then save a friendly drake that will respect you. It is normal for them to to be aggressive towards the hens, but having at least 6 hens per drake should help that out a little. If he gets too aggressive though, then you sometimes have to separate him from the hens.
Lucky needs some time out! Do you have a covered run? Put his butt in there or put the 2 females in so he can’t abuse Bella. This happens so much and the only way to stop it is to separate . If your run isn’t covered clip wings so they can’t fly out. We have to protect our females from abuse. Mating is natural an duck sex is rough but when it becomes abuse we have to step in.
Actually they are free range ducks, I do have extra coops to put him timeout for.

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