Troubleshooting bedding and smells


hillbilly extraordinaire
Mar 31, 2022
Missouri Ozarks
I have a 10x4 coop. I used to have it on the ground, filled with shaving and leaves. Bedding lasted three months with no issue.
We started having some issue with rain getting in so we put a floor on and elevated the coop.
Now my bedding stinks after just 3 weeks. What an I doing wrong? Ventilation did not change.
I have a raised coop. The floor is covered a sheet of 1/8" of styrene. I have a thick layer of pine shavings on it, and I use a poop board with sweet PDZ.

Unless someone has just dropped a cecal poop, or if I have the poop bucket open to scoop in the day's load, it doesn't smell.

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