Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

I like bantams. :oops:

I'd pick ones with different dominant traits so you know who the father is when hatching chicks. Say you hatch an egg from a Brahma and it's barred. Then you know dad was CM. But that's just me. :p

What breeds are there?
I will get a better look tomorrow... But just from the look, there is a mutt (super pretty tho and the most healthy), 2 Rhode island reds, 1-2 cuckoo marans, 2 barred rock, and the 4 bantams (My dad refuses to have them, lol.).
I will get a better look tomorrow... But just from the look, there is a mutt (super pretty tho and the most healthy), 2 Rhode island reds, 1-2 cuckoo marans, 2 barred rock, and the 4 bantams (My dad refuses to have them, lol.).

Mutts are great! Cool...I guess you don't know if any are mean or bad tempered yet though. How old are most of them?

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